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New Application to protect your Flash Drive and Autorun help

Submitted by Demo123 on February 1, 2008 - 4:31pm

Hi folk's, new to the forum, and glad to be here. I just got interested in portable apps, and think they are great. My biggest worry has always been the thought of an unknown PC spreading a virus to my Flash Drive when I plug it in, and start to use my portable apps on that piece of equipment.

I found a what seems to be a great portable app solution. The Software is DriveSentry GoAnywhere. It acts as a firewall for your flash drive, will prevent virus's from loading on your flash drive, and currently it is free from DriveSentry.

Removing Application Icons from the Menu

Submitted by hecto_ts on January 18, 2008 - 9:59am

I successfully installed Python on my usb flash drive, but there's a little problem that's bothering me. In my menu there're other application icons that I don't want them there. The are on the Python25 folder, which is the application folder, so it seems that Portable Apps take every .exe file that is on that folder and put it on the menu. How can I remove those extra applications from the menu? Thanks in advance.

How do I revert drive name to 'local disk'?

Submitted by dik3 on January 17, 2008 - 5:14pm

I was using the portable apps menu, and i now find that when using Windows Explorer that C: has been renamed 'portableapps'. I need to revert the name back to C:LocalDisk which is what it originally was. Right clicking and renaming does not work.
It also has the portableapps icon - which I also need to remove
This is machine at work - so please help!

New WinSCP build

Submitted by DJHasis on January 8, 2008 - 5:42am

There is now a lot newer build of WinSCP from the developers and I was thinking will there be a "official" new portable build of it here or could someone else make a portable build of it.
I would myself do it but Portable App Creator doesn't properly function with me Sad

Notepad++ running from a locked usb-stick

Submitted by peter_g on December 30, 2007 - 5:52am

I would like to run Notepad++Portable from a non-writeable media (I am using a lockable usb-stick).

In the readme.txt (to be found in Notepad++Portable\other\Notepad++PortableSource) I have found some hints and a Notepad++Portable.ini - file.

As described in the readme.txt the Notepad++Portable.ini looks like:

