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OSK Source

Submitted by jjs on November 27, 2007 - 8:24pm

November 27, 2007:

The OSK Portable web page says the source comes with the download.

But, the readme file with the download says:
The source code for the on-screen keyboard is available at:

Any attempt to link to that URL results in a Page Not Found (404)

This should be fixed, especially to comply with GPL licensing

Where is the source code?

Thanks in advance.

How to make Skype Portable work from CD

Submitted by detlev24 on November 10, 2007 - 7:00pm

finally i found a solution.

1. i created the directories

2. i put Skype.exe into .\SkypePortable\App\Skype

3. i packed my user-files previously created from another skype portable to a sfx-file (using winrar) with the following commands
(supposing the user-files are located in directory "User" you do not have to compress the whole directory but just the files located inside .\User)

Portable Apps and Common Files

Submitted by John Wayne Goodin on November 8, 2007 - 8:36pm

Wasn't there a portable app to copy a machines java files to the Portable apps directory? I have a folder named CommonFiles and a portable app If memory serves was used to put it there.

Also I downloaded into "Portable Apps DDL Support" folder the files:

Volume in drive F is USB20FD
Volume Serial Number is CC1D-CFB9

Directory of F:\Portable Apps DDL Support

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