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[Fixed] Cube Portable dl-link error ?

Submitted by hfelton on September 4, 2014 - 8:18am


ok - it has been many-years since ive used/made a PA-usb-key...

yesterday i downloaded the default installer and started to select a couple of apps to try... however, before i tried anything - i decided to rt-click and select-all portable-apps (assuming itd be 9gb or so, which i think it was)...

anyways - during the ensuing many-hours of download/install/click-ok waiting, i noticed only ONE quickie-error... upon further research, i rediscovered the error, and would like to ask if theres some way to fix it ?


Submitted by old_man on September 2, 2014 - 6:57pm

I originally posted as a comment on the SkypePortable news page:

I noted that there was quite some stuff left over after using SkypePortable - something which we don't expect from a truly portable app.

John Haller's reply is simply not correct:

I definitely didn't start SkypePortable in local mode - and I tried it on different computers, always with similar results...

[Fixed] Solfege Portable : Features that require Csound not functioning [Fix(es) included]

3D1T0R's picture
Submitted by 3D1T0R on September 2, 2014 - 3:57pm

Solfege Portable's "Intonation" feature does not function.
This is due first to Solfege not being able to find the Csound binary, and once that is fixed it also needs a DLL to be un-UPX'd:

  • The 'Launcher.ini' sets the csound key's value to the CSound directory, this should instead point to the EXE. i.e.

[Fixed] Solfege Portable errors on first run - unreproducible

Gord Caswell's picture
Submitted by Gord Caswell on September 2, 2014 - 2:23am

I received the error messagebox below upon my first attempt at running Solfege Portable.

I have not been able to duplicate this, whether I use a clean VM and fresh copy of the installer or not.

System details: Win7 x64, standard PA.c install location on P: external drive.

Note that the path shown does not exist on my system, nor has it ever.

I have also attempted installation to my local C: drive, as well as to a clean Win7 x86 VM's desktop folder.

[Closed] PDFTKBuilder

Submitted by tal on September 1, 2014 - 12:56pm

At windows 7 64bit, when i connected another screen (two screen at resolution) I open PDFTKBuilderPortable, and it don't show the main window. it was hidden. when i disconnected, and remain with only one screen, the program work normal.
This bug don't happen at windows 8.1 64bit.


[Solved]Skype Portable is not valid and can not be installed.

Submitted by eisa729 on August 28, 2014 - 11:15pm

Anyone else getting the message below?

--------------------------- Platform
The downloaded copy of Skype Portable ( is not valid and can not be installed. This could be due to an incomplete download or other network issue. Please try running the updater again when complete.

GeanyPortable 1.24 will not compile FreeBASIC

Submitted by DinoApps on August 27, 2014 - 10:30am

Dell Latitude C600 laptop, 10G HDD, USB 1.1
Windows XP Pro SP3
Internet access 6 to 12 times per year

I function quite well in my portable life thanks to PortableApps when they work.

Would like to use GeanyPortable as a single IDE for many compilers, all on a single USB drive. Following is a description of my attempts to get GeanyPortable to compile and any help is appreciated. Will be without internet for about six months, starting in three weeks.

Downloaded these files:

Google Chrome's chrome (UI) suddenly huge

Submitted by whatever71933 on August 25, 2014 - 4:22pm

Google Chrome crashed on me, as it often does. But when I restarted it the chrome (UI elements) is suddenly huge: the tab text and favicons, UI icons, address bar font, etc. Also, when I open new pages, zoom is set to something > 100% even though page zoom is set to 100% in settings. This is currently Chrome 36, in Windows 7 Home Premium x64.
