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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Can we use the Firefox profile manager

Submitted by nolanoro on September 12, 2023 - 5:04pm

Can I set it up to work with Libreworf or Firefox? I tried to do it for Librewolf, with the conventional Firefox approach

"E:\My Documents\A_FIREFOX BROWSER\FIREFOX\firefox.exe" -p --allow-downgrade

but as I'm sure you know, it resulted in wiping out my sessions and settings, or maybe it just pointed to something else??

Can't download updates

Submitted by deselrahc on September 9, 2023 - 12:49am

Hi Team...

I am having problems downloading recent apps updates. The ones that are automatically shown on PA startup as having an update available are:

Calibre 2.26.0
Opera 102.0.4880.40

When I start the automatic updates I get:

for Calibre:

Start Screenpresso with a Command-Line-Parameter

Submitted by OLLI_S on September 1, 2023 - 3:45pm


the application Screenpresso consists of an EXE file.
When I start it, I can select to install it in my system or to run it portable.
In both cases the application data is stored in the %appdata% folder.

There is a command-line parameter to force Screenpresso to store the user-data in the folder of the EXE file:
I tested this by creating a link that contains the command line parameter and it works.

RealMeteo 7 portable

realmeteo's picture
Submitted by realmeteo on August 10, 2023 - 3:20am

Good morning,
please I would like to be helped by someone, because my understanding of the English language is very small (I'm Italian).
I've been trying for a long time to get my RealMeteo portable included in the portableapps suite, but I haven't succeeded yet.
Maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Have I forgotten any fulfillment required by the site regulation?
Thank you to anyone who will kindly help me understand where the problem lies.
