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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Calling all Europeans!

Steve Lamerton's picture
Submitted by Steve Lamerton on November 2, 2009 - 2:05pm

So it is looking more and more likely that I will be going to FOSDEM in February next year (6th – 7th), and I would love there to be a presence. There are three ways in which we could do this:

  1. A stand. This is the most difficult organisationally, but possibly the best way to spread the goodness. To do this we will need commitments from people that they can help man it and we will have to be able to cover the stand for the whole weekend

CoolPlayer as MP3 disc autorunner, or something else?

NathanJ79's picture
Submitted by NathanJ79 on November 2, 2009 - 4:03am

I'm thinking PortableApps is a good method for making an effective autorun solution for an MP3 CD. Would CoolPlayer be the best choice for this?

VLC is a pretty good media player, but takes too long to start up. Not sure about XMPlay, I wasn't using it (in favor of VLC, once I realized it played music too) so I took it off, but it was nice when I used it. Compact and it looked good. I've seen some nice skins for it, too.

Update dates on the Applications page?

Submitted by wpites on November 1, 2009 - 1:59pm

Can the most recent update date be included with the name of each application, on the “Applications” page?

An update date would allow users to quickly determine whether or not a newer application version is available. Yes, I understand that an automatic updater is under development. However, I suspect that the update date could be added more quickly.

Fastest USB Format

Submitted by jamvaru on November 1, 2009 - 5:12am

I've tried a bunch.

Seems like the default NTFS format is best. I checked my speed with USBDeview

Using a startech 8gb ($12), works ok, I got around 12 w / 18 r, though I know that is a simplistic measurement. What program was it that does the complex testing?

Also, does size matter? And, what is the best economy stick on the market now, as in around $1/GB to $2/GB.

Home Page URLs

Submitted by J Neutron on October 31, 2009 - 9:41am

I know consistency is an important consideration here, which is why I'm bring this up.

There is an issue with the way that some URLs resolve that probably came about from categorizing the applications.

For example, in the 7-ZipPortable help.html file, the URL for "Go to the 7-Zip Portable Homepage" is coded as "" but quickly goes to "".

This doesn't work correctly for other packages.

Encrypting profiles

Submitted by MeCasa on October 30, 2009 - 1:45am

I run Firefox and Tbird off a thumb drive and recently I decided to encrypt in case I lost a drive.I installed TrueCrypt on a thumb and then installed Firefox and Tbird inside a file container, however the browser was so slow as to be nonusable. A friend at Mozzilazine suggested encrypting the profile alone, any opinions and/or suggestions.


Installing Visual Studio 2008 as a portable app

Submitted by harpreetde on October 28, 2009 - 5:21am

Hello everyone,

I am quite new to the portable apps platform. In fact I landed here while looking for a solution for installing a portable version of Visual Studio 2008. I am not even sure if this is possible, but it would be very helpful for me to have that.

Especially when I have to go to the customers with different machine setups and look at the problems they are encountering, I could use the portable VS to actually go through and debug the code on the clients machine itself.
