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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.


Submitted by skvmb on December 18, 2008 - 12:36pm

I have a USB version of Opera 9.62 but the 9.63 version has the security updates. Is there a portable 9.63 that I haven't found yet and/or will letting usb opera9.62 auto update destroy portablility?

Sourceforge sux

Submitted by stormsh on December 18, 2008 - 7:42am

I was good, then. But now I can´t download anything. It´s liek they sold all the servers and just kept the old 486 or something. It takes at least 20 retries, and the mirrors are all crap. Can´t you use something else instead? Filehippo or what ever. I´m trying to avoid Sourceforge, because I don´t have the time to wait till I´m (very) old.


PS.: Sry just pissed off right now...
Delete it if you want, I don´t care.


cengbrecht's picture
Submitted by cengbrecht on December 18, 2008 - 6:53am

Since I searched for a Forum that was kinda like a Questions and Comments area, I found nothing about that, so in my lame ability to search, I created a Kudos page...
Please don't hurt me...

I just wanted to say, You guys (all who participate in the Portable Apps) are awesome, and your doing a great Job, and I challenge anyone who likes these apps to, Leave a Kudos or such type message here.

Again sorry if there is something like this and I missed it, I have already proven my inability to search well once in the Request forum, so there...

complete "including kitchen sink" suite download and install?

Submitted by maphew on December 17, 2008 - 1:41pm

I love portable apps, thank you!

I recently acquired a 16gb usb stick so space requirements for the moment are effectively not a concern. The number of apps has grown considerably (yay!) and clicking through all the links to download and install each one is taking quite some time. I'd rather install everything and remove the few I don't need. May we have portable apps suite which includes ALL of the available portable apps?

thanks again,


App versions in the Suite

Submitted by WillJitsu on December 16, 2008 - 5:54pm

I tell people about Portable Apps all the time and advise them to download the Suite.

Does it include all of the latest versions of the apps or are they the version that those apps were at the time the installer was created?

Will they need to manually update each app in the suite?


need a theme-maker-person-thingy

Submitted by SilentWalker on December 15, 2008 - 4:28pm

hey...was there a person who said that he was making themes from pictures? i searched for it and i can't find the post. can someone link me 2 it? plz

well, and im not sure he can do what i want so if there is some1 out there willing....i have a sort or modified skin from NeoRame, and i want to know if any one can make the cool vine patterns to go around the entire theme frame and stop and lead up to the PA logo.


Submitted by arinlares on December 14, 2008 - 8:04pm

I'm new to, but I've been learning about this software, and switched after I heard U3 was being discontinued for StartKey. Anyway, I asked the developer for MilkyTracker, and was told i could just extract the Windows Unicode archive into the PortableApps folder (PortableApps\MilkyTracker), and it worked. I tried it with another program, same result. Granted, i'm still waiting to hear from the developer of the second program about registries and such, but it did work.

more portable than portableapps - storage on server

Submitted by rafi on December 14, 2008 - 1:53pm


(Today is a bad day. My whole external harddisc is broken. This is the 4th time in my life an external hdd broke, but its my fault. 2 times fall down and 2 times wrong voltage.....

On this hdd i had a whole portableapps environment.

So today i will order a corsair 64gb flash drive

but i thought to be more portable and more free than only by using portableapps.
For example the program keypass. Its really a good programm but i used it only for internet passwords. so i installed
phppassmanager on my server for store my passwords.
