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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Pencil Portable Page under Graphics?

Submitted by Patrick Patience on December 5, 2007 - 6:31pm

I just wanted to point out that the page Ryan has set up for Pencil Portable with the Pre-Release on it is active in the Graphics submenu of the Application navigation. I don't think it's s'posed to be shown yet, maybe I missed something. I think it's stable, but I just thought I'd point that out.

Huh, and Enigma's under games?

And Tile World's there. Blum

Looking for a solution...

Submitted by Reiji on December 5, 2007 - 1:14pm


I just found the portable apps and I have to say I love it. I can have all my things in a USB drive and use them everywhere I go.

There is only one thing that I need...I wish I could sync my portable apps with the ones I have in my home computer so I when I change a setting in my firefox or my sunbird or my thunderbird, I can share the setting with the one in my usb drive.

Thunderbird version 1.5 U3 edition

Submitted by futcher177 on December 5, 2007 - 7:59am

I need some help in knowing how to back up my emails and my address book from Thunderbird 1.5 running on a U3 USB drive

When I have back up the emails and address book I then want to restore them on to a new version of Thunderbird 2 which I intend to load on to my laptop's hard drive

Thanks for the help

Dave Futcher

WinMerge Portable (no, it's not a release): New Stuff.

Ryan McCue's picture
Submitted by Ryan McCue on December 5, 2007 - 12:54am

(Note @ John: Would have emailed this to you, but my SMTP server does appear to be working)
OK, now I (sorta) have my development stuff back up and running, I need to update WinMerge Portable. Couple of questions for John:

  1. Can I get the cool new splash screen, please?
  2. What are we doing WRT installers? Will I need to write you the code to select the language?
  3. Once I get a PR out, can we package it up for official release?


Need Help here Please. From 8gb to 32mb flash drive

Submitted by Oldjazz on December 4, 2007 - 3:18pm

Hi guys!
Can someone help me with my problem.

I bought an 8gb generic USB flash drive called "MY FLASH" on ebay.
It was working fine until I couldn't erase the folders in it.
I had the brilliant idea to format it, worst decision of my life.
I couldn't get on it anymore or format it again until the guy who sold it to me , send me a format software, it worked but, now it's only a 32mb drive.
I've tried at least 4 softwares but still the same.
FAT, FAT32 or NTFS will only change a few available mb but it's stuck on 32mb.

Securing a USB thumb drive help.

Submitted by Smash on December 4, 2007 - 2:54pm


I am a new convert to portableapps and have to say that I think it's fantastic!

Having recently wiped by drive due to it getting a virus, I'm looking to do the two following things:-

1) Is it possible to have the drive automaticaly scan for viruses/spyware etc when new data is put onto it?

I had the clamAV installed, but think that as I placed some data directly into a folder which I think existed outside of the portableapps partition, it missed it, I'd like to it to do an auto scan of both partitions of any data placed/modified.

Help !!

gayathri's picture
Submitted by gayathri on December 4, 2007 - 1:27am

I was very comfortable with my 512 MB USB with around 100 MB public area and the remaining 400 MB partition locked using the 'software key' provided with the thumbdrive. But last day when I tried to open the drive in my computer, an error message came that 'there is no drive in the port'.
I could see it there in 'My Computer',but the capacity was shown as zero ( used space-o, free space Shock ) in its properties .
