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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

How to manually assign visible executables PotableApps Launcher

ikarus2k's picture
Submitted by ikarus2k on October 2, 2007 - 11:45am

I am using MplayerUI as a portable media player (less CPU intensive then VLC). My problem: In the launcher both MPUI.exe and mplayer.exe are displayed and I need only one. How can I bypass PA's automatic filling of the menu with executables? I was thinking of links/bats. Any ideas?

Similarly I get 4 exe's from portable (found it on some french site) and Totalcommander (which I've noticed keeps only it's directory shortcuts on the machine, the rest works just fine).

Forum Avatars Test

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on October 1, 2007 - 2:51pm

I've just enabled forum avatars to test them out. They're small 16x16 icons (similar to those that appear on Digg-style sites in comments) and limited to 2K to keep bandwidth down (as long as you optimize when saving from any image program, it'll be fine). You can upload your own by going to your My Account page. They'll appear within any forum posts you make and any comments.

Oh, and you made need to reload a page to get the new CSS file that makes them show up properly.

Please give it a try and post any thoughts.


Can I use all my portable applications from a CD instead of a USB Flash Drive?

Submitted by Amit G on October 1, 2007 - 8:32am

Can I use all my portable applications from a CD instead of a USB Flash Drive and by all I mean all the applications listed on the applications section on portableapps website, the only two portable apps that I wont be using is XAMPP and Mac-on-Stick, as for the rest I want to use it on a CD instead of a Pen Drive and one more thing how would it be different from PortableApps on a Pen Drive since I would be using a CD-R and it will only write once so I wont be able to save documents and stuff?

Search Box Is Back

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on September 29, 2007 - 3:29pm

I just spent about an hour working on a code and layout workaround that lets me add the search box back into the theme site-wide, including on pages that are manually cached and served up as straight HTML (which is what was broken in the Drupal 5 upgrade). It'll take 15 minutes or so to get back into the manually cached pages.


Diftymk's picture
Submitted by Diftymk on September 29, 2007 - 9:49am

Help every one here is all mean and horrble to me!!! Sad

Every time I ask a Qustion they all say horrble things about me! Sad

And Ryan & John are one of the worst f all! Sad

Please tell them off and help me please!!!


LOGAN-Portable's picture
Submitted by LOGAN-Portable on September 29, 2007 - 12:44am

I'm unsure if this is suggested before but what about an integral Portable Apps 'registry' file. Something that is usually put in windows registry will be put in PA-Registry file (only when its important for other apps).

For example, a portable python saves in PA-Reg.ini its location so PortableBlender can find and use it as well as other apps that might require Python installed.

Would this be something usefull for SOME applications so they can be aware of eachother a bit? Maybe not so extensive that all apps save all their settings in the PA-Registry to avoid clutter.
