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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

POrtable Vault Pro or e-capsule Private Safe or something else?

Submitted by koenbv on March 15, 2007 - 1:55pm

I need an encrypted vault for my stick. Does anyone here have experience and recommendations with Protable Vault Pro or e-capsule Private Safe? Or is there something better for that purpose at "Portable Apps" or somewhere else?

Both are on U3 Central as "trials".

Portable Vault Pro:

e-capsule Private Safe:


Submitted by cthelight on March 15, 2007 - 1:14pm

Time for some upgrades

Here is what i think should be upgraded...

*The apps
-Time for some games
*Bring the search box back!
*More compleat develoment guide

"Maxfiles" Adware in several PortableApps

Submitted by synerdigm on March 15, 2007 - 11:24am

Over the past several weeks, I've had alerts on opening various PortableApps on my desktop PC from Webroot Spy Sweeper (version, fully updated definitions), with Sophos Anti-virus both activated and not activated. The PortableApps have included the current versions of Firefox, Thunderbird, Sunbird, GAIM, Sudoku, and I believe another one, which I can't recall offhand.

What does portable apps leave behind?

Submitted by Slickwall on March 15, 2007 - 11:05am

My major concern is what portable apps leaves behind on the host computer. If I am using a portable apps browser and surfing the internet at work does it leave a log file somewhere that needs to be deleted? Does the fire wall still log the sites you go to? Is there a primer I can read on this somewhere?


PortableApps menu won't close, usb drive won't "remove safely"

Submitted by grannyGeek on March 15, 2007 - 1:31am

Hi, I'm a brand-new user of this suite, and having a small glitch.


I'm using the Standard Suite on a FireLite portable 80-gig USB2 hard-drive. Using Windows XP ServicePack 2 on both computers I have tried this on.

After launching the menu the first time, the icon appears in the systray as expected.

Question on menu

Submitted by camcrazy08 on March 14, 2007 - 5:15pm

Quick question. Is it pretty easy to create different menu themes? I have seen many themes here, and currently have the WOW theme installed, as it looks really sweet. The reason I want to know is that I am pretty crafty with a computer, and would like to make a Final Fantasy XII theme in the same manner.

Is Adobe Photoshop the program of choice, and is there a repository where I can look up information about this?

Thank you for any help you could be!


Geil David is Discontinued

Submitted by Slickwall on March 14, 2007 - 12:46pm

I have been looking around for the best flash drive to get to run portable apps on and had settled on the Geil David. However; I could not find this sucker anywhere so I called Geil in Chino California and she told me that they no longer manufacuter flash drives. Any suggestion on what I should buy?

Thank you


Customizing PortableApps

Submitted by sardopsycho on March 13, 2007 - 11:33pm

I just got my new Ultra FlyDrive 4GB from TigerDirect. I am constantly on the go and this application looks freaking awesome. However, and I can understand why, there are some like-programs and well, other stuff I won't use.

If I download and install the Standard Edition, can I remove a few of the applications that I do not want?

If so, how do I go about doing this?

thanks in advance!
