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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

TV type database???

Submitted by stumper1971 on December 21, 2016 - 10:30pm

i'm after a portable app to catalog some tv series,but i want to customize it so i can add custom fields like the offiial website and when its back on air etc,ive seen a few tv databases but they only allow 2 custom fields and i'm after a lot more,thanx in advance

Password Protect Portable Apps

Submitted by mattig89ch on December 20, 2016 - 8:47pm

Hidy ho all,

I wanted to know if there was a way to encrypt the portable apps folders. And only allow a user to access programs and files via the portable apps launcher. And finally, if you could have it so when you launched portable apps, it wouldn't work without a password entry.

Just a little extra security, should you lose your flash drive.

Select SourceForge Mirror for Downloading

Submitted by Drazick on December 14, 2016 - 6:09am


I have some access issues to some of SourceForge mirrors.
It turned out that the default one is blocked on my network.

My question / suggestion is, can one make the PoartableApps manager to download using specific mirrors?
As things now I can't update (At least not automatically) my programs.

Thank You.

Running Portable Apps without the Launcher UI

Submitted by PortableGood on December 10, 2016 - 5:49am

The following works great: Running the Portable Apps launcher, and then selecting a specific portable app to run.

I'm wondering if it is equally as easy to run Portable Apps without the launcher UI.

Here are my questions:

1. Is it possible to run a Portable App (and keep it portable) without having the Portable Apps launcher UI running? For example, to run portable app ABC, can you just run ABCPortable.exe (where "ABCPortable.exe" is any of the Portable Apps available through the PortableApps launcher)?

Default apps

Submitted by berserk on December 6, 2016 - 11:19am

Hello everyone.
I have an idea, don't know if is it possible (but I guess so).
The idea is: as you launch platform from your drive, sset file association and default programs, then as you exit everything should be turned back to OS defaults.
Please, let me know if will this be added.

Bye, Ivano.

Language not saved

Submitted by jasee on November 30, 2016 - 9:03pm

Although the language is set to English or British English in the options menu, the language of many applications eg VLC anf Filezilla and Ultratorrent is still displayed in the operating system language, as this Japanese,this makes it extremely difficult to change anything! And is one of my prime reasons for using the postableapps base. In fact, if the language of VLC is changed to English, the application language of the original install of VLC changes as well!
