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Beta Testing

Testing of beta versions of apps before public release.

Ninja Command (a portable command prompt but for ninjas)

Submitted by Tristiano77 on November 11, 2007 - 2:43am

its basically the same as command prompt portable but its for use at school cause they always use this software to get the titles of stuff every 5 minutes and sometimes take screenshots to monitor us, so using notepad mode will make it look more like ms notepad and p will activate panic mode by typing up a nice essay on a midsummer nights dream and playin casual...

here be the license.

Tile World Portable 1.3 Pre-Release 1

Submitted by Patrick Patience on November 1, 2007 - 11:38pm

Ok, this was my first official beta app here. Smile I've just updated it with the new installer, AppInfo, Help Files and some other things. It still has the old version splash. But I just wanted to update it to stay on top of things.

For those that don't know Tile World is reimplementation of the classic game, Chip's Challenge.

Test it out and have fun!

Magic Mail Monitor Portable 2.94 Development Test 1 (Testers Needed)

Submitted by Patrick Patience on November 1, 2007 - 10:59pm

Name: Magic Mail Monitor - Web Site

Category: Internet


Magic Mail Monitor is a utility to connect to POP3 enabled e-mail account and download only e-mail headers (and optionally a preview). Some people on a slow internet connection mind find this utility handy if you have a slow internet connection, or prefer to used webmail instead of a full-out e-mail client.


XNResourceEditor Portable Beta1 (Testers Needed)

Espreon's picture
Submitted by Espreon on November 1, 2007 - 6:01pm

Hello everyone, here is XNResourceEditor Portable.

If you don't know what XNResourceEditor is, it is a FOSS clone of ResHacker, that is better than ResHacker, since XN has a similiar but prettier interface than RH, also XN has a built-in icon editor, and you can edit XP Manifests.

XNREPortable Beta1 Download:
(May take a few mins to hit all servers)

LunarIPS Portable Launcher Beta1 (Testers Needed)

Espreon's picture
Submitted by Espreon on November 1, 2007 - 5:53pm

OK, for all you ROM-playing freaks (like myself) here is LunarIPS Portable launcher, you need to download LunarIPS and put it in App\lunarips for this to work.


LunarIPS is a patcher, it patches IPS Patch files to ROMs. Unless you play ROM hacks then you will probably have no use for this.

Do not ask for ROMs, if you want IPS patch files I will gladly give you the locations of said IPS patch files.

LunarIPS Portable Beta 1 Download:

DTask Manager Portable Pre-Release 1 (Testers Needed)

Kevin Porter's picture
Submitted by Kevin Porter on November 1, 2007 - 4:18pm

App Description:

DTaskManager is a Windows Task Manager replacement. It has many extra features, including task suspension and reactivation, like in Linux, task freezing, multiple process selection, and three different types of task termination: 1) termination request (like "End Task" in Windows Task Manager), 2) forced termination with dialog tolerance (like "End Process" in Windows Task Manager), 3) forced termination, not available in Windows Task Manager (kills any process, including system processes, without question).

Technical Information: (a menu fork) beta testing complete thank you for your feedback

Submitted by maggotb0y on October 31, 2007 - 6:57am is a fork of the Menu, designed to include additional features not available in current release of PAM. It builds on the work of Mr. Haller and others, as well as the feedback of the PortableApps forum members. Thanks to all.
