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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Thumb driver enumeration might be different on each machine -- how does Thunderbird find its profile?

Submitted by jlfranks on January 20, 2015 - 5:11pm

The .ini file for Thunderbird looks like this on machine #1.


The USB drive enumeration might be different on another machine.
Does this get handled in some way?


DelugePortable_1.3.11_English.paf Installs An Application Data File

Submitted by tonib95 on January 19, 2015 - 5:14am

Being new this may not be the right place forgive, I thought it important.

While looking for a version of Deluge (Super Prog) I could run from Win7 installed on an external harddisk I found your Homeside good place lots I could use, thank you. Donate to follow.

I tried DelugePortable_1.3.11_English.paf and DelugePortable_1.3.7_Dev_Test_1_English.paf

The 1.3.11 would not run from the win7 on the external, but 1.3.7 did.

I then tested both on an another external harddisk to the internal Win7.

Which Browser portable apps are truly portable?

Submitted by fefrie on January 17, 2015 - 12:19am

I just wanted to clarify, because I use Iron Browser.

If I download Iron browser portable from their website, their forum users complain that the app isn't truly portable, that some files are written onto the C drive into some untraceable folder that can't be easily deleted.

When I use a browser app from Portable apps, is it all guaranteed to stay within it's own folder?

Widows Vista and 7 "Not Responding" problems with FF, TB and OOo

Submitted by Megafrog on January 13, 2015 - 4:42pm

I have been having strange problems with the latest official portable versions of OpenOffice, Firefox, and Thunderbird being used on the hard drive of a Vista PC and seeing the same problems on a Windows 7 PC. Incidentally, when I started using these Portable Apps about 5 years ago there was never a problem. I almost never use LibreOffice since it downgraded OOo's navigator in Write, but I've seen the problem on LibreOffice as well.

Periodically, any of those programs just freeze for no reason. The top bar says "not responding" and, if clicked on, the windows have a faded white overlay.

Can I use Portable Apps for Business, or do I need a license?

Submitted by skimmed on January 13, 2015 - 10:38am

Hi There,

I have been tasked with creating a nice portable USB stick for all of our engineers to carry around with them when they go onsite and PortableApps is perfect for the job.

I have been asked by the higher ups that before I can create a load of these sticks for everyone how the licensing works, would it be okay in this scenario or would a license be required?

I understand this may be dependent on the apps being used but any help would be great!

Thank you in advanced!
