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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Getting more Donors

Submitted by OLLI_S on December 9, 2011 - 5:07am


I saw in the donor list, that not many people donated for PA.
One way how to make people donor money would be to add the donor status to the username in the forums.

So instead of my username "OLLI_S" there is my rank displayed:
OLLI_S (Supporter).

This might encourage people to donate money.

If some users help in the forums (answering questions and helping users) they might get also a special rank.
They helped a lot although they did not donate money (they donated time).



Shorter URL

Submitted by Motosuwa on December 8, 2011 - 4:05pm

What if the site could just be accessed with a short URL, like PA.c? (Kinda like Overstock's URL... Sorry if this would violate CR law...)

Misic Question

Submitted by Frank D. Hubeny on December 8, 2011 - 12:48pm

Good Afternoon Group;

The new platform has some music on it if you download the one with it. I never have used any Music or Video Apps before. Can or will someone give me an idea of what to download so I can try the music out. I know it it is a very basic question but not for me since there is a number of Apps and I do not have a clue.

Frank D. Hubeny

Dedicated USB Flash Drive?

Submitted by pea bod on December 6, 2011 - 5:20pm

I suppose this may have been asked before....

when using portable apps and more specifically, stuff from, do you need to have a dedicated USB Flash Drive?

In other words, can I download and install and use portable apps on my existing and in-use stick (USB Flash Drive)? OR...
Do I have to have a dedicated USB Stick which is only for the Portable apps use?

I was looking at some Puppy's the other day and in order to install to my Flash Drive from the live CD, I would lose all my data on my flash drive (so I didn't save it to my flash drive)

Portable App Traces

Submitted by Nimoy on December 5, 2011 - 10:55pm

According to the info Portable Apps
A portable app doesn't leave files or folders behind on the PC
A portable app doesn't leave registry entries behind except those automatically generated by Windows

My question is what is the benefit of something like Portable Iron? Since most PC come with either Firefox, Chrome or Explorer adding another browser would show up in the registry.
