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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Is this fake?

Submitted by jcqm on January 16, 2012 - 7:35am

I've found the site: [Link removed as is our policy on such illegal sites - mod Chris]
Does it have anything related with this If not, I think it´s better let everyone knows.

Portable Google Chrome - XP - Read Only Problem

Submitted by eager on January 15, 2012 - 10:46am


I'm trying to change the permissions for Portable Google Chronme from Read Only in XP Pro.

I've accessed Administrator as well as regular user to change it but it's not retaining the changes.

There's a green box inside a larger box next to Read Only. I can remove that green box and click Apply where it prompts me to apply to all folders and sub-folders with I do next to that option. I click Apply and then OK.

But, when I right click Properties again that green box reappears.

I'm trying to run Google Portable Chrome on my desktop PC.

Clamwin portable

Submitted by weringpeter on January 12, 2012 - 7:12am

I keep getting this result from clamwin portable:

Z:\tor\Tor Browser\App\tor-resolve.exe: Trojan.Fakesec-310 FOUND
Z:\tor\Tor Browser\App\tor.exe: Trojan.Fakesec-310 FOUND
Z:\tor\Tor Browser\App\vidalia.exe: Trojan.Fakesec-310 FOUND
Z:\tor\Tor Browser\App\mingwm10.dll: Trojan.Fakesec-310 FOUND

Is this a false positive? It must be because none of the antivirs at jotti recognizes it.


Updater issue

Submitted by AndrejT on January 11, 2012 - 7:57am

I have a problem. I cannot update my applications. The update search for updates and put the infos about actual new versions into .\Data\Update.ini, but nothing more - always it says that all aplications are at highest level-new, altough the are very old.
Platform is 10.0.1 on XP

Virtual usb drive

emo1313's picture
Submitted by emo1313 on January 9, 2012 - 3:54am

I have looked all over but found no working solution.
is there any app to create a virtualusb drive?
sure i can attach a vhd or other virtualized disc but i would like one that appears to the system as an actual usb device. is this possible?

IrfanView 4.32

Submitted by Chim on January 8, 2012 - 10:52am

So, when is the version of IrfanView going to be updated to 4.32?
I see that Softpedia already has a Portable IrfanView 4.32.
Why is's version still 4.30?
I'd rather have a version.

Moving Apps from ver. to ver.10.0.1. Is there a simple way?

Submitted by lllllllll on January 8, 2012 - 7:39am

Is it possible to move Apps from old version using Windows Explorer?
(Not via fresh installing in 10.0.1 version)

I am using many Apps in version (win7-32). And few Apps like Firefox have many own Extensions.
In old days I did that and it was Ok.

Problems with chrome

Submitted by wanew on January 6, 2012 - 9:00am

so im wondering if people are having problems with there google chrome. it seem to me that my setting are slowly deteriorating from the first time i installed chrome to present day. it started slowly but eventually increased. i go on one day and i find that i cant search from the omnibar and even if i fix the settings the second i change computers the settings resets itself. today i get on and now my chrome automatically turns off cookies, java script, plug-ins, and add-ons. is there anyway i can fix this problem.
