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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Alert for USB still plugged in?

Submitted by dangles35 on December 29, 2011 - 6:21am

I was wondering if it were possible to have an option for PA to alert the user that a USB is still plugged in.
Very similar to the portable version of this but instead of it beeping very loudly and long, just have a notification that says it is still plugged in and have an option to eject or continue shutdown.
This would be a great feature for people who forget USBs as I have lost a USB that cost $50 and was very angry at myself.

out of the cave

Submitted by np on December 29, 2011 - 1:39am

OK, I just upgraded to version 10 from 1.6.

The upgrading of apps, as well as installing new apps, are both nice features, but as I looked through everything, I discovered a problem. Two of the apps that I had (mplayer portable and spydllremover portable) were now "gone" from the portableapps pages, but there really isn't any way to inform the user of that (in fact, I am more likely to think "no update? that's good."). It seems to me that the user should be informed when an app is removed from the repository, which isn't very likely to happen without a good reason.

ScanDisk U3 help

Submitted by u3dude on December 28, 2011 - 9:59pm

Hi ... I'm a very novices user with U3 software in fact I reformatted the drive and lost my U3 software . Now its a plain flash drive stick ... Is their a software that I can download that does the same thing as U3 ? Thanks

Is this possible with Portable apps program ?

Submitted by Ljupco on December 28, 2011 - 6:17am


I was searching the FAQ but since I couldn't find an answer to my question, I decided to post the question here.

I need to create a file on a thumbdrive so that whenever the thumbdrive is inserted into a PC, it automatically opens my client's web page, or alternativly the web page that is stored offline on the thumbdrive.

I also want the people who will be using the thumdrive not to be able to format the thumbdrive and wipe it.

Is this possible with the Portableapp ? Or I need another way of doing this ?

Launcher for Start.exe?

Submitted by Rapscallion on December 27, 2011 - 11:57am

I know this may seem like a dumb request... but I would like a launcher for the launcher ;-). The reason is that I like to pin PAM to my Windows7 TaskBar. Unfortunately since I run PAM from a removable drive, and at times I do not have the drive plugged in when Windows boots. Sometimes Windows either deletes the pinned shortcut, or the shortcut loses it's icon. What I would like is to have a launcher that can stay on my personal PC's so that the pinned shortcut will always be there.

DISH Network Online

Submitted by Jim1348 on December 23, 2011 - 7:33am

I am brand new to these forums. I am a DISH Network customer and I want to put the software for that on a USB flash drive. The requirements list

Operating System
Microsoft Windows XP SP2
Microsoft Windows Vista
Microsoft Windows 7

Macintosh OS X v10.5 or above

Recommended Browsers
Internet Explorer 7.0 or above
Firefox 3.5 through Firefox 7
Safari 3.0 or above
Google Chrome 5.0 or above

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