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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Best USB drive for PortableApps ??

Submitted by deathwish on October 1, 2011 - 1:27pm

Hi, I am wondering what would be the best USB drive for use with portable apps. I am using a Sandisk Cruzer Contour which when bought was a very fast drive, but i am guessing it has been since overtaken by newer and faster drives.

The problem i have is that when ever i am using a browser in portable apps the performance can at times be a bit sluggish.

I don't want to spend a lot on a drive s it would only be for PA, but performance is essential.

Cheers in advance

CamStudio Malware?

Submitted by SGB74 on September 27, 2011 - 9:53pm

I happened to drop by the CamStudio website and found this link on their page stating that there are fake versions of Cam Studio running around with malware due to a recent hacking of their page and sourcefourge which is re-directing users to download infected software,, well i downloaded camstudio from portable apps, so I dont know if by chance i would be infected with this malware, bu

Usb password protection (not encryption)

Submitted by anasr on September 26, 2011 - 10:31pm

I have searched the forums a couple times and it shows that this topic has been discussed a few times before, but they were all atleast a year ago (as far as I could see.)

I ran across this program "Usb Secure"

I was wondering if anyone had looked into it yet, and if it actually is a solution for this topic.

Search forum by date

Submitted by USBs Unite on September 26, 2011 - 4:42pm

Hi, I was just wondering if there is a way to search the forums by date. If there is one and I'm too dumb to find it, any help would be greatly appreciated.
By the way, thank you to all the developers here that turn out such great work, you are all awesome.

My Autorun System

Submitted by teetwo on September 22, 2011 - 6:55pm

I created my Autorun system to start applications on a inserted drive. I made it as a executable not loaded with Windows. An icon on the desktop to the executable is activated prior to any drive being inserted. A file Action.txt replaces Autorun.inf.

Anyway it is free and what I use to autostart just about anything when a drive is inserted. The program aborts after it does its job ready for the next drive.
Download at A readme explanation is included.
