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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Wrong Java if QT installed, possible alert

Submitted by Wm ... on September 18, 2011 - 9:14am

Don't know if anyone has noticed this happen (I did have search) before but FF has been using the wrong Java here.

Background: looking at a performance issue I found FF Portable was using
rather than something under

Uninstalling QT left remnants in the XP registry like
that needed to be tidied by hand and eye.

FF and similar apps that rely on Java are much happier now.

Possible suggestion for discussion and comment:

WARNING uTorrent download

Submitted by topbrass1960 on September 13, 2011 - 8:07am

Used the get new apps from the manage app button and the uTorrent app is a FAKE anti virus program it MUST be removed

[The following is merged from another thread created presumed to be from same author - mod Chris]


When you unpack it and install he dont start utorrent but security shield!
When i look on google it says that security shield is spyware. So dont download it.
And for the admins of the site delete the file from this site..

Here can you se a screen shot of it:

Cannot delete some files on my Portable Apps USB.

Submitted by Anthony A on September 12, 2011 - 11:21am

My Opera folder on my Portable Apps USB seems to have become corrupted. When I open it the file structure is all messed up and the files names are a bunch of symbols and characters. All my other files and folders on the drive are fine and they run fine, it's just Opera that's messed up. It's not malware, I ran several scans on it.

The problem is I can't delete the Opera folder. I get a message about not recognizing the file structure or location doesn't exist. How can I delete the folder?
