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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.


Submitted by xdeathoreox on August 26, 2011 - 3:38pm

Ok, I downloaded blender portable last night and it works on my computer. I took it to school to show my teacher what it is (since you can't download anything at school) and I was letting him do whatever with it and suddenly everything disappeared. He was doing something and everything went gray. You could still see the boxes for everything like the drawing area and menu area but there were no icons or anything. There just gray boxes were everything should of been. Is that the computers doing or the program?

[Fixed] Problem with Google Chrome auto update

Submitted by Bindlestiff on August 26, 2011 - 10:32am

Check for updates brought up a notification regarding the recently updated Google Chrome - 13.0.782.215. Clicking 'next' started the update but eventually I got a nastygram regarding the install, saying that it failed and suggested I try again. I did and got the same thing. Trying on a second external USB drive gave the same result.

Manually downloading the file and installing worked fine. hacked. Usernames, emails and password hashes taken.

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on August 24, 2011 - 4:34pm's user database was apparently hacked and posted online on July 5th and hacked again July 31st and posted online on August 23rd according to user posts in their forum and Twitter. Usernames, email addresses and password hashes (MD5) were apparently posted.

Using PAs MozillaThunderbird synced on more then one PC

chribre's picture
Submitted by chribre on August 24, 2011 - 4:43am

I am using 5PCs in paralell to work on. On all PCs the Data is kept in sync by Dropbox.

I am using Mozilla Thunderbird installed like:
with the data in:
with its subfolders:
local Folders

This setup is working fine on all PCs

When I have used Thunderbird on one PC I have to wait for the syncing done by Dropbox until I can start Thunderbird on another PC. That means checking the sync-state on all PCs befor using Thunderbird.

iPhone Contacts

Submitted by MiStr on August 21, 2011 - 5:02am

the problem: I've changed my PC hard drive and changed from Microsoft Office to Open Office and as I syncronisized iPhone contacts in MS Exchange there is my problem now: Does this exchange work in Open Office too? I think, I need some help, I'm not very expert yet. Thank you!

"[...] did not close properly last time it was run and ...

Submitted by rinolt on August 20, 2011 - 7:09am

Moderator Note: This topic is outdated. The Platform gained the ability to automatically close apps in 2014. Details on how to enable this feature, how to avoid the error message, and how it will be addressed further in the future are included on this support page:

..will now clean up. Please then start [...] again manually."
