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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Problem With Nsis 2.46 Rv2 Unicode Portable

Submitted by habenyamin on November 29, 2010 - 4:43am

I need Help to solve my problem with Nsis Unicode
When I run my Unicode script (just for creating Internet Shortcut) whit Nsis Unicode can not write in true font but Nsis Ansi create very well (wow!)

Persian LAN.

for ex.

OutFile makeurl.exe 

SetShellVarContext current

CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\The KMPlayer"

WriteINIStr "$SMPROGRAMS\The KMPlayer\KMPlayer تالار گفتمان فارسي.url" "InternetShortcut" "URL" ""

Portabling a game i get an :(

Submitted by Yuze on November 26, 2010 - 6:36am

Hello there guys

This is my first post do be so harsh on me ^^

Im basically trying to convert portable a huge game of 6gb (It is command and conquer red alert 3, no copy, is original). Im using portable creator the latest version (I think). All the steps work just fine until i got to the last one when supposedly is gathering all the dlls. After like 2 hours using 60% of my cpu gives me this error "Error: Array variable has incorrect number of subscripts or subscript dimension range exceeded."

The apps runs but i dont see any new dlls...

Please can anyone help ^^?

Submitted by Starport592 on November 25, 2010 - 9:44am

Hello everybody. Recently I had created a primative themeing engine and along with it a website to go along with my program's name: PortableAppsThemes. However, with the release of PAM 2.0 on the rise, the use of my themeing engine has died. The website is still active though, so it's now open for everybody to share thier themes. Creating a themes is incredibly easy with the PAM Theme Builder, which is still in beta like most other ingenious programs and may never come out of Beta, i fear, also like other ingenious programs.

Desktop Visual Annotation Tool

Darkbee's picture
Submitted by Darkbee on November 23, 2010 - 12:31pm

Anyone know of a preferably open source tool, similar to ScreenMarker that allows you to draw/annotate on your Windows desktop?

I know PicPick has one but I probably don't need all the other functionality that comes with it, so it's little excessive for my requirements (and PicPick isn't open source). Plus, as I understand it, it's unlikely to become a PortableApps candidate since development of PicPickPortable is being dropped.

Apps That Have Dropped Windows 2000 Support

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on November 23, 2010 - 11:39am

As it seems I missed FileZilla when it did, I'm going to make a quick forum post of apps that have dropped Windows 2000 support (or are newer and never had it) for reference and to ensure that I haven't missed updating any. As of today (2010-11-23), the following apps do not support Windows 2000:

- Dia
- Google Chrome
- FileZilla
- Foxit Reader
- Inkscape
- Songbird
- SpyDLLRemover

Please let me know if I've missed any others.

PA Updater "bug"

Ph4n70m's picture
Submitted by Ph4n70m on November 23, 2010 - 9:49am


When you do an update of an app which contains optional additional localizations (like Pidgin), the updater will install it full, even if you have chosen "only english" on previous installation.

I would suggest too that there was a option to choose which localizations to be installed, because sometimes is a waste of space install multiple languages that will never use.


PortableApps vs [Illegal Site]

Submitted by KOS-tas on November 22, 2010 - 11:06am

I have see [Illegal Site] make updates much faster, when a new browser version comming out then can i find on same day the portable version on [Illegal Site] blog and here only after many days...

Bernat works alone and here on PortableApps are many more dev's, is a little unlogical...

Are [Illegal Site]'s portable app's not good or why can he bring faster updates out?


Run Portable aplication under administrative restriction

Submitted by BlackySnake on November 22, 2010 - 3:55am


I tried to start Photoshop CS4 portable at computer under administrative rights and I failed. After I double click I get portable appl. splash screen and nothing happens further.
Same thing happens with DVDFabPortable application.
I use Windows 7.

Is there any solution or I can forget about any software under administration rights Sad

Thank you..
