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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Official "Thank You" thread

Submitted by getco on October 20, 2010 - 11:03am

Hey there!

I just love it when there are so many new PA updates and new apps available and thought that I'd drop by and say a big "Thank you!"...

But then I thought what if others want to do the same (and I know there are many people here who want to)? What if everyone started their own Thank You thread... So why don't we all express our gratitude towards the whole PA team and vision here in this thread Smile

create web installer?

Submitted by ieperlingetje on October 19, 2010 - 11:00am

For new users it would be cool if they could select portable apps on a web page and when they made their choice, they could download a custom a zip file with the selected apps bundled in it. Since the portable apps installers simply copy the contents to the flash drive, this can easily be done on the server side. For those that don't understand this idea very clear: Mowes has something similar (see

Prapper? What the .....?

Submitted by Chim on October 18, 2010 - 4:22pm

So, I Googled for Format Factory Portable.
I found this Hit:

Is this legit?
I clicked on the link in there to supposedly download Format Factory Portable.
Something seemed odd about some of the text at the top.
I noticed it said, "Your prapper download will start shortly."
I couldn't remember exactly what it was supposed to say, but it seemed unfamiliar.
I later verified with another App that it's supposed to say, "Your Portable Software / USB download will start shortly."

skype final out

Submitted by drugo on October 16, 2010 - 6:12am


skype 5 final is out

hope to see soon the portable version Smile

# Changes:
* Calling
- Removed post call experience

* Contact list
- Added an option to disable avatar pictures in contact list.

# Fixed issues:
* Accessibility
- Accessibility in Call Phones tab was not properly supported.
- Accessibility was not fully supported in Call View.
- It was not possible to accept or reject a contact request via keyboard.
- Labels in Add people widget were not visible to Jaws.

* Audio

[Fixed] Downloads from Internode SourceForge mirror failing

truthseeker's picture
Submitted by truthseeker on October 15, 2010 - 6:32pm

I have noticed a slow deterioration in file downloading.

I used to be able to simply click on files, then sourceforge would open and the file would begin downloading.

But those were the good ol' days... because now, sourceforge never downloads any files and it's a real struggle to get anything happening, and I eventually have to give up and not able to download any files.

What's happened? Maybe you need to store your files elsewhere because you linking your files with sourceforge causes some obvious problems!

Forum suggestion

Ken Herbert's picture
Submitted by Ken Herbert on October 15, 2010 - 2:05am

I've seen a couple of people asking for a separate Support sub-forum for whatever app it is they are wanting one for, and usually the answer is that it is not going to happen otherwise we would end up with eleventy-billion Support sub-forums, which I completely agree is a bad idea.

However, I also think having sub-forums for 20 different apps and one for everything else is almost as bad.

So here is the suggestion: We have the apps currently sorted into categories: Accessibility, Development, Education, Games etc. so why don't we have the support sub-forums separated the same?

Need Good Tutorial on Portable Apps

Submitted by Iggy64 on October 14, 2010 - 7:13am

I am a first-time poster here. I have used portable apps for quite a while, and I increasingly use them on my desktop machine, to avoid dealing with the hassles of uninstalling or conflicts with other software. I am always on the lookout for great new portable apps. The web site is a real gold mine.
