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General discussions of portable apps and news.

Lost Opera profile folder

Ph4n70m's picture
Submitted by Ph4n70m on November 13, 2010 - 7:30pm

Hello there!

It's not really a bug, but serve as example:
Yes, it's a bug.

When you download a program and you choose the option "open" instead of "save", the program will be downloaded and opened as it should be. But if you close Opera while the program is running, Opera Portable will not move your profile folder to "data", and your profile will be deleted.

I don't know if I was clear, my english is not good. Blum

Desktop Pictures

Submitted by bassrocks on November 12, 2010 - 10:11am

I was exploring a few weeks ago and I found coding that you could take your desktop picture with you, in that when you started the suite, it loaded your desktop picture and then removed it when you were done. I can't seem to find it anymore. Help?

I'm new to portable apps.. HI..

Submitted by Peace562 on November 10, 2010 - 4:39pm

Portable apps has made me like my flashdrive 100 times more than ever.. It is so useful when you are working in a public computer.. Question: What is the most useful application on your flashdrive? Mines would have to be VLC, Utorrent, Frostwire, Peazip portable, Mozilla firefox, CCcleaner, google chrome. I don't really need Open office, but I want it in the drive anyways just incase other computers don't have microsoft office..

Boot Question - In order to run the Portable Apps applications can you easily boot from the USB flash drive or...

Submitted by pcnb2010 on November 6, 2010 - 4:11pm

I'd like to put together a bootable USB flash drive that contains various tools so that in the event my Win7 64bit laptop has issues and won't boot, I'd like to have the ability to boot directly from my USB flash drive.

Is this possible using the portable apps applications - in particular the ability to boot directly from the USB Flash drive (when Windows itself on the main laptop won't boot). If not, what needs to be done?

Some the things I'd like to be able to do from the USB flash drive:

Spam in email notification for subscribed thread

Submitted by bigpallooka on November 4, 2010 - 1:29am

Where can I get some advice on the spam I received within an email notification regarding a new comment in a subscribed post. The forum doesn't contain the same post. I don't know if it has been removed or something fishy is going on. I can't imagine the content is from the actual OP (as it states) and am concerned that there may be some sort of breach in the security of my email address as registered with

PS. Should I post the email content?

Portable Apps icon Disappears from windows 7 taskbar

Submitted by RayW on November 3, 2010 - 2:26pm

Hi, my portable apps icon keeps disappearing from the windows 7 task bar, it happens every couple of weeks or so.

I assume that this happens occasionally while the removable drive is not connected and windows is trying to tidy up things for me by removing broken links, but I can't figure out how to turn off this behavior.

There doesn't seem to be anything in the task scheduler that sounds like what I'm looking for. I've tried turning off all of the system tuneup tasks in Norton.

Anybody else having this problem?

setting a homepage that is not a URL?

Mr Red's picture
Submitted by Mr Red on October 30, 2010 - 7:37am

I run FF 3.6.12 from memory stick.

My wishto homepage is located on the same stick in the same folder. (PC Win XP mostly)

The systems I use are many and varied, they may already have allocated drive letters and I want to have the chosen page load as homepage.

It is in effect a favourites page - but personilised with data that cannot be put in passwords/auto complete features. And is colour coded and 3D.

I use it exclusively - I just wanted to be that bit easier to use.
