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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Understanding Privacy Folders

Submitted by aahhaa on January 4, 2009 - 12:29am

I'm a lot more likely to misplace a flashdrive than a desktop computer or laptop, so I got interested in the various security wares different drive makers supply.

Very quickly I found that (at least for one major encryption program) mistakenly yanking the drive prematurely corrupts the secure folder and causes a world of problems. A dumb but easy way to lose vital data.

Also, I wonder if antivirus & firewall programs can do their job properly on files within an encrypted folder. Do they get scanned as they 'emerge'?

Mega All-in-One Complete PortableApps Suite?

Submitted by frosty36 on January 3, 2009 - 12:55am

First time poster, short time lurker, long time user here.
I'm at a public library at the moment and I don't have long on this temporary computer.
Just a quick question here.
I love all the portable applications available and would like to get each and every single one of them.
I like the Portable Apps Standard Suite but I am somewhat disgruntled by the fact that it does not include all other applications like the ones listed here (

Windows 7 (vienna) "superbar" and the launcher.

Submitted by joric on January 2, 2009 - 9:22pm

There is an issue with fancy "superbar" feature on windows 7.
I use Windows 7 build 7000 (beta 1).
Launcher and application showing as two buttons instead of one.
Is it possible to fix this in a future versions of launcher?

USB Stick with Master Password ?

Submitted by eke on December 30, 2008 - 6:23pm


I have a 8GB Kingston USB Stick but: wth if i loose the stick, forget it inside the workplace or if it get's stolen? Everyone can see my very sensitive data!

So here is my question: Do you know a USB Stick that asks for a Master Password if I stick it inside a foreign Computer? I know there are existing these Sandisk U3 Sticks, what exactly do they do? Maybe sb knows other solutions.

Happy Ney Year!
Smile eke

How many times can I write on a USB Stick?

Submitted by eke on December 30, 2008 - 11:56am


I read that it is possible to install Win XP on a USB Stick but the stick will be destroyed after a several boots because it only allows 100000 or 1000000 writing / reading sessions (?)
So here is my question: Does it make sense to install portable apps and use it as an portable office without destroying the stick and consequently loosing the files on it ?

ty and take care

[Fixed] Error in size bar

Submitted by Jacob Mastel on December 26, 2008 - 5:15pm

I recently bought a new flash drive. It's a SanDisk Cruzer 8gig. It works great I've always liked SanDisk but I have noticed one problem with it. For some odd reason the size bar at the bottom of the PAM says bleh out of 7gigs. I'm kinda wondering why my flash drive is showing up as 7gigs rather than 8. Probably just a minor bug to be fixed in next release probably.
