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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Status Update (Jan 30, 2007)

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on January 30, 2007 - 10:47am

Howdy All,

Just wanted to drop a quick status update in the forums to let everybody know where things are at. My friend who I'd mentioned before is recovering pretty well. He's gonna have some ongoing issues that will hopefully resolve themselves in a few months. The bell's palsy may require surgery. And the hearing in his left ear may never fully come back. But, he's in very good spirits. Up and walking around a bit more. Even gonna put in some part time days at the office. So, thanks again for the well-wishes to him. I've passed them on.

Upgrades: How To

Submitted by Joseph_N on January 29, 2007 - 8:57pm

What is the recommended way to upgrade an installed portable app? Delete the whole highest-level program folder first? Delete only the program's apps folder? Delete nothing and overwrite? I'm just getting started with portable apps; what are the factors and choices for upgrading when a new version comes down the pike?

Some application status updates?

Submitted by gerbick on January 29, 2007 - 4:49am

I've noticed that people don't tend like it when an old thread is bumped without any new information, so instead of doing that, I thought I'd ask in a newer thread about a couple of applications that were brought up, but still aren't listed and the threads hereby "dead".

For instance:

Gizmo Project which has an U3 version, but not one for PAM.

OpenWengo... another that's been asked a few times. And Yahoo's Widget Engine/Konfabulator.


Submitted by camcrazy08 on January 28, 2007 - 12:39pm

I have a memorex 1 GB U3 traveldrive, and because of corruption or some other problem I had to format the disk. Does anyone know if I can put portableapps on this drive now, or is it now just a plain USB drive?

I had to format once before, but the drive was still accessible and I could install onto the drive.

Any help is greatly appreciated if anyone knows. The data that was on the drive was unimportant, but I would like to reinstall the programs again.

Thank you again for your help.

Why is there no program to convert automatically to portable app?

Submitted by Day on January 27, 2007 - 5:02pm

Isn't it possible to make a program that can automatically convert any application in to portable one? There is this U3 service that does it ( however I don't know if they do it manually for every program that people send them or have they got a program that does it automatically.


Submitted by TDE-Prophet on January 25, 2007 - 3:28pm

For those of you who have a portable with more than one .exe file but do not want the extras to show up on the menu -regular or beta- simply change the extension to .ex_ which tells windows that it is a compressed .exe and will automatically decompress the file when it is called up. -might not work on all programs, but its a start.

Only show EXE you want to in Launcher?

Submitted by mistertech on January 24, 2007 - 8:56pm

I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to manage which exe files show up in the launcher menu. Some apps have multiple EXE's but you only need to start with one. The others are for the apps to use depending on a feature you'd like to use. I didn't create the apps so no jokes about why an app is written that way Smile

any thoughts?

