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Portable App Development

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[Theme] Human Theme Set (update Billy)

MrElchbau's picture
Submitted by MrElchbau on January 12, 2008 - 4:06pm

Hello humans!
I'd like to present you my latest theme set. There are some parts I'll finished soon, but I like your feedback (or, maybe I'm addicted to), so have a look please Smile

Human Theme Set
PAM-Mod R25 and above by XrXca / PAM-Mod R31
Variation Names
Iron Man
406 * 573 pix

Preview & Download


Submitted by maggotb0y on January 10, 2008 - 10:08pm

So beyond the fact that I can't really even find a draft of the .paf specification on this site...

Has there been any consideration to submitting this specification to a standards body? It would be a lot easier to convince developers to develop for a ratified platform.

Does anyone know what's involved? Ever been a part of such a process?

How to portabilize pygtk and python

Submitted by khiraly on January 8, 2008 - 4:47pm


Im developing a small pygtk based application (using both windows and linux), and I want to portabilize this application on windows platform.

My program depend on the followings:
- python 2.5
- pygtk (and Gtk) 2.10 or later
- pyserial

What I want to know:
- documentation, howto, tutorial (where is it? What is the basics?)
- best way to begin, where to start?

Can somebody point me to the documentation?

I readed through the website, but there is no real (deep) documentation. AmI missing something?
