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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

Perl Portable

Shawn Faucher's picture
Submitted by Shawn Faucher on December 21, 2007 - 11:58pm

Is there interest in a PortableApps wrapper for Perl (specifically ActivePerl)? Granted ActivePerl is fairly portable on its own, however with a PA wrapper putting things in a standardized place other portable apps could then use a shared Perl install.

The downside to this is ActivePerl is not fully Open Source, so it would need to be packaged without it and require users to download and install it in the correct location (PerlPortable\App\Perl). Is it worth the trouble?

Installer warning

Shawn Faucher's picture
Submitted by Shawn Faucher on December 20, 2007 - 3:45pm

The installer (all versions that I've seen) generates a warning when compiled:

unknown variable/constant "{SectionMain}" detected, ignoring

This is caused by the following line in function LeaveDirectory:

SectionGetSize ${SectionMain} $1 ;=== Space Required for App

This can be fixed by moving the Section above the Functions, and changing the Section header to read:

Section "!App Portable (required)" SectionMain

Is there a reason this hasn't been or shouldn't be done?

What to do after beta...

Shawn Faucher's picture
Submitted by Shawn Faucher on December 19, 2007 - 2:46pm

With a pending release of Gnucash Portable in the near future the question now is how does one go about getting permission to use the logo etc and have their application added to the official site? I did some forum searching and there was a lot of talk a few months ago about soon adding support for outside developers, but nothing seems to have come from it. Nor does there seem to be any info on how the current crop of developers came to 'join the fold.'

Can anyone enlighten me?

How can I change the icon in the title bar of the Command Prompt ?

Submitted by whibo on December 16, 2007 - 11:45am

I modified Command Prompt Portable with NSIS and Batch files but now
the Command Prompt icon left in the title bar :
And I want an icon like that in the title bar:
How can I change the icon in the title bar ?
(What codes, applications have I to use ?)
Problem resolved.

Need jumpdrive app programmer.

Submitted by sciman on December 15, 2007 - 8:26pm

I am looking for a programmer who can create a small app that automatically puts a border around the screen of the computer when the jump drive is installed. And somehow be able to lock the file so it cannot be easily removed or located. I can pay via Paypal.

Thanks for any input or interest as I can explain further.

