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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

Software for Lighting Designers using ETC's off-line editor's

Submitted by jbrown17 on February 22, 2007 - 1:58pm

For all those lighting designers who use ETC's Expression Off-Line Editor or any off-line editor:

Download the off-line editor installs you would like to add to your menu.

Make sure you have plugged in your drive that you use, but don't start portable apps menu.

Install the editor like you normally would, but when you get to where you want to install it, select F:\PortableApps\ExpressionOff-LineEditorPortable\ where F is your drive letter and ExpressionOff-LineEditorPortable is the new folder created.

Winamp Portable launcher

TaffinFoxcroft's picture
Submitted by TaffinFoxcroft on February 20, 2007 - 4:48pm

this has been a long-term project, but finally Winamp portable launcher is ready! its set out to the PAF 0.9 layout, and is mainly based upon the firefox portable launcher for its speed.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that it is for winamp lite, but in theory should work for all of them. as smithtech (down) said, just uni-extract it or follow the instructions in the app/winamp directory.

Also, its in BETA.

Password Protection

Submitted by cellman56 on February 19, 2007 - 11:40pm

I would just like to suggest an app that would password protect the entire flash drive, making it unable to view without entering in the password. I had a U3 drive that was like this. To tell you the truth it was the only nice feature of U3. Portable apps launcher is so much nicer, but it would be better if it could password protect the entire drive. Thanks.

Portable Flash Player

Submitted by swatmajor1 on February 19, 2007 - 2:10am

Hi there.

I am trying to adapt the Flash player I have developed (Swatmajor1's Flash Player) into a portable version, with no success. It is a VB6 coded program, so it shouldn't be too difficult to make portable.

The idea came from Portable Firefox. Copy the Flash plug in from its default location (In this case ..\system32\macromed\flash) and paste it into the programs directory.

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

Signing off,



Nsis script

Submitted by cthelight on February 18, 2007 - 8:44am

I was wondering could someone make a PHP script, that when you entered the name version ect. it would output a compleat NSIS script.
I think it would make portable app creation a lot faster

EVE Online

Submitted by rootbear on February 16, 2007 - 3:07am

OK I hope this is the right place to put this, but for those of you who play EVE online at home and work like myself may get a kick out of this.

I just installed EVE online into a folder of it's own in my portable apps USB drive, and it worked on my laptop and my workstation. Nothing to it really except to make sure it installs to the directory, like mine was "F:\PortableApps\EVE". Simple as that. I didn't find any posts regarding this and figured my first post would be this.

Windows Live Writer Portable

Submitted by kingtone on February 15, 2007 - 3:17am

Thought I'd try building a portable app so I've built Windows Live Writer Portable.
For those that don't know, WLW is a new blog publishing tool, currently in Beta, from Microsoft. It's actually a nice little tool that works with all the major blogging platforms, not just Microsoft Spaces. An interesting app to make portable.
