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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.

First Vista Launcher (Firefox Portable) - Testers Needed

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on October 20, 2006 - 11:23am

I've posted the first test of a fully Vista-compatible launcher. NSIS just added support for the manifest files required by Vista yesterday, so I created a new Firefox Portable launcher using this new feature. This should prevent both the elevated privileges required prompt on launch and the application failed to complete on exit. I'd like some other folks with Vista to test this out before I incorporate it into the next release.

1. Grab a copy of Firefox Portable (either or 2.0 RC3) and install it somewhere. (Don't worry that the Firefox Portable setup requires elevated privs... this will be changing. If you're on a limited account, grab the zip file)

Need for "Portable Application Creator"?

Submitted by Klonk on October 20, 2006 - 5:34am

Hi I'm just thinking of creating something let's call it a "Portable Application Creator" based on NSIS.

This should be an installer that contains the Portable Launcher and it's sources.
It should create the necessary directory structure whereever you want.

It also copies the files necessary for the application into the appropriate directory.

This means: The user would have to install/download the application and extract it. Then he should provide the base directory to the creator. Thena ll fiel should be copied together with the portable launcher into a predefined directory structure.

eyeBeam portable VOIP

Submitted by twnty3svn on October 14, 2006 - 6:44am

Hi everyone,

Just thought i'd post here that i've managed to make a portable version of eyeBeam, the VOiP software ( using Klonk's fantastic "Portable Application Template 1.3". The only thing it leaves behind are two empty folders in $profile/Local Settings/Application Data; CounterPath\RegNow Enhanced. If anyone is intrested i can post the .nsi Smile

Portable XAMPP Lite Without Fluff?

Submitted by BenMcLean on October 11, 2006 - 9:10pm

I am thinking of going through Portable XAMPP Lite and deleting all the images. I'm pretty sure that would reduce the file size a great deal. The trouble is, if I did that, I'm not sure certain parts of it (like phpMyAdmin possibly) will still work, or whether I will still be able to actually navigate those parts that use the images if I need to later.

The reason for wanting it even smaller is because I have a really small flash drive and it barely fits on there - and I would like to be able to put more stuff on there. (I am planning to buy a bigger one soon, but still, I'd like to have thi

Nicotine+ Portable

Submitted by osiris on October 11, 2006 - 1:03am

Nicotine is Hyriand's rewrite of PySoulSeek with a PyGTK2 GUI
Nicotine+ is a fork, an attempt, to keep Nicotine working with the latest libraries, kill bugs, keep current with the Soulseek protocol and add some new features that users want and/or need.

As win32 develeloper* for Nicotine+ and a big fan of PortableApps, I made a portable version of Nicoine+

* kind of big word Wink

You can download it here

This is the second version after alot of struggling to get a PyGTK app working which didn't have high cpu/memory useage.

Portable Code::Blocks?

Submitted by Girvo on October 10, 2006 - 6:41pm

Hi there.

I have been trying to create a portable version of the OS C++ IDE, Code::Blocks. So far, I have found the registry key it creates when run, and exported it. Also, I have found the folder that it creates in C:\Documents and Settings\$USERNAME$, called ".Codeblocks" and the file it creates at the same place, called .cb_profile

How can I make a launcher, that loads all these things to their correct places? I trird using a batch file, but the problem is, the registry values include absoltue paths :S

Any ideas?

