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Portable App Development

Discuss portable app development and modification of existing apps.


zhengfengran's picture
Submitted by zhengfengran on November 10, 2011 - 4:56am

some one please make a portable version of Altium_Designer_10.700.22943

here is mine
and it does not work



Other=%CommonDocuments%\Altium\AD 10



AppCompactor.ini not findable in the folder AppInfo

Submitted by tapsklaps on November 5, 2011 - 8:51pm

I used the AppCompactor 2.2 with the aim to shrink my portable app streamWriter. According to the instructions on AppCompactor and AppCompactor.ini the file AppCompactor.ini should resides in the folder AppInfo. Unfortunately I can't find such a file in the folder AppInfo of the app streamWriter. How can I fix that issue?

How do I join and learn to Beta Test?

Submitted by hikarimay10 on November 3, 2011 - 5:05pm

Hello Everyone:

I have been using portable apps for years now. I just recently joined the forum. I am quite pleased with the increase in the number of applications and the frequent updates. I noticed the Beta Testing section. I wanted to find out how to sign up to test and if there is a guideline used to indicate what a user should do when testing an application. I am willing to learn because I don't know the procedures. Any help would be appreciated? Thank you.


PortableAppsPlatform Source which IDE for wachting and trying a few things?

Submitted by Joschi on November 2, 2011 - 11:24am

Hi all,
I want to look at the Source Code and trying a few things. I tried Borland Delphi 7 but it didnt work. So which IDE should i use? And could someone give me a Tutorial how load everything right in the IDE. For Windows would be good, but for Linux would be all right too.

Thanks for reading Wink

Location of the storage of the settings

Submitted by tapsklaps on October 31, 2011 - 4:21pm

Currently I am busy with the preparation of my second portable program. Let me call it "boardgame". In the program folder I found some files as follows:

  • one file called xxx.ini
  • one file called xxx.config
  • one file called xxx.db
  • one file called xxx.db1
  • one file called xxx.db2
  • multiple files called xxx.sfg

[Closed] [Closed][PA.c Launcher] Exact sequence of launcher actions

Submitted by depp.jones on October 25, 2011 - 4:15pm

I encountered a strange problem during packaging Nemp and suspect it a timing issue.

Nemp is a little bit "automatic" and starts a wizard at the first launch to query several settings - mostly related to changes made to the system. Even if these are user settings, they could compromise portability (automatic updates, register file types, etc.).

Driver letter replacement in .MDB file

Submitted by david_pi on October 25, 2011 - 4:31am

Excuse me, I've searched the forum but didn't got the answer. So I made a new post here.

I'm trying to make a e-book builder called epubBuilder to a portable app. Everything goes fine except one thing. The app stores files open history in a .mdb (Microsoft Access Database) file. Is there any solution to replace driver letter and package partial dir in mdb files? Maybe using a command-line utility? I know nothing about database.

