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Firefox Portable

make firefox clean up all the java entries left behind

Submitted by nightbeholder on November 4, 2011 - 4:49pm

I've managed to make firefox portable work with java portable thanks to some posts in a thread here (
But it does leave a lot of crap behind.

My request would be to make firefox clean up after exit the entries java leaves behind like:
HKU\S-1-5-21-2293001926-2685405310-2781144714-500\Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment

Getting rid of the last tab

Submitted by upchuck on October 27, 2011 - 6:45pm

I never use tabbed browsing.

I'm using Portable Firefox V3.5.1 and it insists on having one tab to the left of the screen. This tab, to me, is largely useless as the title on it duplicates what I see in the far upper left of the screen. Plus, it takes up valuable vertical browsing space.

Is there a way to remove the last tab?



This Connection is Untrusted

Submitted by LingK on October 26, 2011 - 1:00am

I have a server that is set up to use HTTPS. Every time I go to my site its comes up This Connection is Untrusted asking me to confirm security exception. I click "I Understand The Risk" then "Add Exception". Now it wont let me confirm until I uncheck the "Permanently Store Exception" box. Is there any way to store that site. I have tried Tools>Options>Security>Exceptions and no good. When using Reg. Firefox 7.0.1 it will let me store it and not ask again. Is there any way I can go and copy the exception from the Reg. install at home?

Firefox Portable 7.0.1 doesn't save settings

Submitted by bloodymary on October 25, 2011 - 11:17am


When I close Firefox, it doesn't save some settings.
For example: I have disabled all cookies, but in some cases I need of them, like when I do login in a forum, so I've created some exceptions (Option tab> Privacy) for selected sites.
I would also like to allow pop-ups from certain sites, so I've created others exceptions (Option tab> Contents) for that.

Everything works fine, but if I close Firefox I lose the lists of exceptions.
How can I fix it?

I would also like to understand where the bookmark is saved, because if I go in

Use of Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition 7.0.1 in conjunction with jPortable 6 Update 29

Submitted by tapsklaps on October 22, 2011 - 11:19am

In the description of jPortable 6 Update 29 is mentioned, that "jPortable allows you to easily install the Java® runtime engine to your device for use with portable apps like ... Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition ..., all without any Java runtime on the local PC.

Identified the Conflict between Firefox and Roboform2Go ... can it be fixed?

Submitted by jdmba on October 17, 2011 - 3:09pm

After quite a few back and forths with Siber Systems including running their tracer program, I have now figured out why PortableFirefox does not work with RoboForm2Go and unfortunately this is a Firefox Portable issue, not a RoboForm issue.

Portable Firefox sits in a directory called x:\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable and when run from that directory, RoboForm will not attach to the browser. However, there is also an executable buried in x:\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable\App\Firefox

How to install for non-admin users in Windows XP?

Submitted by runbei on October 12, 2011 - 12:44am

I'm not able to install FF Portable for all users. I work in a non-admin account. FFP installs okay, but it won't run normally.

I go to the install folder and right-click the .exe file to create a desktop icon. But when I double-click the icon I get a message that FFP is unable to run from a protected location. (System folders like C:\Windows\Programs are protected from non-admin users.)

Addons/Extensions disable on CD/ISO

Submitted by Tehrasha on October 11, 2011 - 6:46pm

I have created a 'master' install of FirefoxPortable with all of my favorite extensions which I use on several machines via thumbdrive. All of its extensions are up to date, and work flawlessly on the thumb.

However, when running an CD/ISO of my thumbdrive in local mode {FirefoxPortable.ini RunLocally=true} some, but not all, extensions report as 'Incompatible with Firefox $version "Disabled"'. Currently $version is 7.0.1 but this problem goes back to at least 4.x
