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Thunderbird Portable

Live CD

Submitted by Walt on February 24, 2007 - 1:30pm installed on hard disk. ThunderbirdPortable.ini (with "RunLocally=true") added in same directory as PortableThunderbird.exe. Burnt on CD. When starting CD, I get the error message "Thunderbird is alread running, but is not responding. To open a new window, you must first close the existing Thunderbird process, or restart your system." I restart my system. When starting Thunderbird, I get an error message (in German) saying something like "The process could not be initiated correctly (0xc0000005). Click OK to terminate the process."

Thanks in advance!

TB 2.0 Beta

Submitted by friends on February 21, 2007 - 6:13am

When reply or replay all email, you could not COPY and PASTE the image file into the contents (HTML format).

However, if you create a new email, you are able to do so.

Could that be a bug ?

Save old emails for later use

Submitted by kermik on February 19, 2007 - 3:13am

Scenario: I want to remove all emails from before 01012007 because my Inbox has become bloated, but I do not want to delete them permanently if I later have need for one or more of these old mails, I just want to keep them somewhere safe.

I know I can save a copy of my "Profile" folder, but if I later copy back the relevant email folder, it will delete my present email folder, so I need some form of "re-aapending" my old email folder to my current one.

can't download messages :(

Submitted by pinipon on February 18, 2007 - 5:35pm

I want to download to my USB drive only the messages that i'm interested; I have selected "Fetch headers only" and unselected "Automatically download messages" in the server configuration.
After downloading the headers of my new mails, I mark only the messages wich I want to download. But I don't find the button, or any menu to download the messages individually.
Anyone can help me?

TBP under Linux

Submitted by chris0 on February 17, 2007 - 8:55pm

I've been playing around and may have found a way to 'use' TBP under linux. If you have TB on your Linux computer, use your TBP profile by saying:

cd .mozilla-thunderbird/
rm -rf fej2039jfladfj.default
ln -s /mnt/usb/ThunderbirdPortable/Data/profile fej2039jfladfj.default

The same would work for Firefox, I suppose.
there is only one catch. Don't ever EVER E V E R logout without manually saying

umount /mnt/usb
