video downloader/converter

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Version for Windows, Multilingual
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DamnVid is a video converter that allows you to download and convert videos from various video sharing sites. It makes use of the FFmpeg library as used in software like VLC Media Player and Google Chrome to handle the conversions. It can convert as it downloads in many cases. The author's tagline is "it sucks less".
Download Details

- Publisher: Etienne Pérot & PortableApps.com (Michael Secord)
- Date Updated: 2018-08-13
- Date Added: 2010-10-15
- System Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11
- App License: Open Source (GPL)
- Source: DamnVid, PortableApps.com Launcher, PortableApps.com Installer
- SHA256 Hash: 22a0e6039973b8f0a762557560ea7f7b5a2b7cd490d955acec848e53303e7e91