fast-paced gem collection game

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Version for Windows, English
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Rocks'n'Diamonds is a fast-paced gem collection game in the tradition of Boulder Dash, Emerald Mine, Supaplex and Sokoban.
- local multiplayer games (up to 4 players)
- freely customizable keyboard and joystick support
- stereo sound effects and music
- contains levels to play Boulder Dash, Emerald Mine and Sokoban
- lots of additional levels available (over 10.000)
Download Details

- Publisher: Holger Schemel & PortableApps.com
- Date Updated: 2024-03-06
- Date Added: 2011-01-08
- System Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11
- App License: Open Source (BSD)
- Source: Rocks'n'Diamonds, PortableApps.com Launcher, PortableApps.com Installer
- SHA256 Hash: bb8f50482135349d89f78f6cfcc9b47e2d954fd3f37e87942029b8016af2fb26