lightweight torrent client

Download from PortableApps.com
Version for Windows, Multilingual
29MB download / 34-58MB installed
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Runs anywhere (cloud, removable, local) without 'installing'. Use the PortableApps.com Platform for easy installs and automatic updates.
qBittorrent Enhanced adds Windows 7/8 and 32-bit support; whitelist/blocklist; automatic banning of Xunlei, QQ, Baidu, Xfplay, DLBT and Offline downloader; option to Ban BitTorrent Media Player Peer; option to Ban Unknown Peer from China; automatic Update Public Trackers List
qBittorrent is a lightweight torrent client with a full set of features:
- Polished familiar user interface
- Well-integrated and extensible Search Engine
- Simultaneous search in most famous BitTorrent search sites
- Per-category-specific search requests (e.g. Books, Music, Movies)
- All Bittorrent extensions: DHT, Peer Exchange, Full encryption, Magnet/BitComet URIs, etc
- Remote control through a Web user interface
- Advanced control over trackers, peers and torrents (queueing and prioritizing)
- UPnP / NAT-PMP port forwarding support
- Available in ~25 languages (Unicode support)
- Torrent creation tool
- Advanced RSS support with download filters (inc. regex)
- Bandwidth scheduler
- IP Filtering (eMule and PeerGuardian compatible)
- IPv6 compliant
Download Details

- Publisher: c0re100 and qBittorrent Team & PortableApps.com (John T. Haller)
- Date Updated: 2024-09-20
- Date Added: 2024-04-01
- System Requirements: Windows 7, 8, 10, 11
- App License: Open Source (GPL)
- Source: qBittorrent Enhanced, PortableApps.com Launcher, PortableApps.com Installer
- SHA256 Hash: 9796d12a4c1d8454f3b828b8629335eadc70d4ec7cccfb21110ff06e26c6707e