multi-threaded download manager

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Version 0.6 Rev 2 for Windows, Multilingual
2MB download / 6MB installed
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wxDownload Fast (also known as wxDFast) is an open source, multi-platform download manager. It is a multi-threaded download manager, which means that it can split a file into several pieces and download the pieces simultaneously.
- Faster downloads (with Segmented/Multi-threaded/Accelerated transfers)
- Download resuming (Pause and restart where you stopped)
- Download scheduling
- Organizes files you have already downloaded
- View server messages (HTTP, FTP, file://). No HTTPS support.
- Available in multiple languages and easily translated. Now available in Portuguese [Brazil], Spanish, English, German, Russian, Hungarian, Armenian, Indonesian and Dutch
- Connection to HTTP/FTP servers which require a password
- Calculates the MD5/SHA1 checksum of downloaded files so they can be easily verified
- Metalink support
- Can be used over proxy servers(HTTP proxy support)
Download Details

- Publisher: Max Velasques & PortableApps.com (Josh S.)
- Date Updated: 2015-08-26
- Date Added: 2011-02-26
- System Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11
- App License: Open Source (GPL)
- Source: wxDownload Fast, PortableApps.com Launcher, PortableApps.com Installer
- SHA256 Hash: c3deb5757322a037c0f0b2d0164930303132f2bb5e53b11a052e2e1ac85d511a