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OpenShot Portable

video editor

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Version 3.1.1 for Windows, Multilingual
245MB download / 1164MB installed
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Runs anywhere (cloud, removable, local) without 'installing'. Use the Platform for easy installs and automatic updates.

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OpenShot is an open-source and free video editor with a full set of professional features.

Cross-Platform: OpenShot is a cross-platform video editor, with support for Linux, Mac, and Windows. Get started and download our installer today.

Trim & Slice: Quickly trim down your videos, and find those perfect moments. OpenShot has many easy ways to cut your video.

Animation & Keyframes: Using our powerful animation framework, you can fade, slide, bounce, and animate anything in your video project.

Unlimited Tracks: Add as many layers as you need for watermarks, background videos, audio tracks, and more.

Video Effects: Using our video effects engine, remove the background from your video, invert the colors, adjust brightness, and more.

Audio Waveforms: Visualize your audio files as waveforms, and even output the waveforms as part of your video.

Title Editor: Adding titles to your video has never been easier. Use one of our templates, or make your own.

3D Animations: Render beautiful 3D animated titles and effects, such as snow, lens flares, or flying text.

Slow Motion & Time Effects: Control the power of time, reversing, slowing down, and speeding up video. Use a preset or animate the playback speed and direction.

Edit Video: Drag and drop video, audio, or images from your file manager into OpenShot. It's that easy to get started video editing.

70+ Languages: OpenShot is available in many different languages, and can be translated online with LaunchPad.

Simple User Interface: We have designed OpenShot to be the easiest and friendliest video editing software ever! Give it a try and see for yourself.

Both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions are included for maximum performance and compatibility.

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Open Source Initiative Approved License