window movement helper

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Version 0.70 for Windows, English
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Gridy adds an invisible grid to Windows, so that any window you move or resize is snapped to it. Snapping is enabled with mouse drag or keyboard arrow keys. Gridy also lets you store and restore a window's size and position in up to 9 slots. This is useful for quickly arranging your windows in a convenient way. In addition, you can apply these changes to any window or dialog including: Make window semi-transparent, Hide the window's Alt-Tab icon, Set window to be Always on Top, Resize to a predefined size of your choice, or Minimize all windows but the active one.
Download Details

- Publisher: Danny Ben Shitrit & PortableApps.com (Kenny Williams)
- Date Updated: 2016-02-03
- Date Added: 2012-10-29
- System Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11
- App License: Open Source (MIT)
- Source: Gridy, PortableApps.com Launcher, PortableApps.com Installer
- SHA256 Hash: 88a279bc4eb61f06196218e3649e4d01211b3e83e8ba70aed2535b66d8210291