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And then there was one!

Steve Lamerton's picture
Submitted by Steve Lamerton on March 10, 2008 - 1:45pm

That's right, there is only one more major feature to be added before the first release of Toucan 2. Every major function listed as a target for the first alpha has now been added, except for previewing sync. However I have spent a lot of time working out how to best achieve this. Because of this I think it is fairly safe to say you can expect Alpha 1 in the next couple of weeks. Please check the rest of the blog for features that will be included in Alpha 1.

A preview of preview

Steve Lamerton's picture
Submitted by Steve Lamerton on February 24, 2008 - 3:55pm
Just a quick little post with a preview of the new preview system for Secure. The red lettering indicates that the file will be ignored. And the best thing about this new system is that its very fast, in fact the component (wxVirtualDirTreeCtrl) only looks down two levels by default so you wont even notice a delay you click the preview button. Enjoy!

Scripting Commands

Steve Lamerton's picture
Submitted by Steve Lamerton on February 21, 2008 - 3:28pm

One of the new features in version 2.0 will be scripting support. Currently I have planned for the following commands but I am always open to suggestions for more.

Sync <job>
Backup <job>
Secure <job>
Delete <filepath>
Move <sourcepath> <destpath>
Copy <sourcepath> <destpath>
Execute <filepath>

Please note that this is not intended to replace batch file scripting, it is merely an easy way for you to tack a number of jobs together is an order, for example to run a Sync Update command before Encrypting.

Quick (or maybe not) Update

Steve Lamerton's picture
Submitted by Steve Lamerton on February 17, 2008 - 2:45pm

Wow, it´s basically a whole month since my lat post, how time flies! Exams are done and my coursework is submitted so I am now able to make some good progress again and things are starting to come togther.

Currently I plan to have three development tests of Toucan 2.0 before the pre-releases, they will go something like tihs:

My Projects @

Submitted by Patrick Patience on February 11, 2008 - 12:45am

This page is primarily for me to keep track of my releases. Unlike the Development Test page, I will list currently release applications here, applications in beta, as well as soon to come applications. I'll try to update this chart as soon as I make a new release. I'll continue typing now so Drupal can provide a preview for this post without John noticing there's a chart following it using full HTML. Lets hope he doesn't hurt me. Smile


The wizards have vanished!

Steve Lamerton's picture
Submitted by Steve Lamerton on January 13, 2008 - 6:05am

That's right, I have decided to drop the wizards from Toucan 2.0, however hopefully they will be back in 2.1. The reason is simple, rather than hard code the wizards into the program itself I would like to make the wizards user generatable, so that other people can create their own wizards and post them up in the forums for eveybody to use, however this means that if I tried to get this done for 2.0 there would be pretty serious delays (yes I do have a shedule, no I'm not going to tell you).


Steve Lamerton's picture
Submitted by Steve Lamerton on November 14, 2007 - 10:49am

Just a quick heads up to tell you all that Toucan had it's 100,000th download this morning Smile So thanks to John for the hosting, and hopefully you'll all see some more Toucan developments soon. With regards to 2.0 work it progressing slowly and the menu bar has now been scrapped!
