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voice, video, and text chat

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Version for Windows, Multilingual
90MB download / 285MB installed
Notes | Antivirus Scan | Online Installer | Details

Runs anywhere (cloud, removable, local) without 'installing'. Use the Platform for easy installs and automatic updates.

Also Available: Legacy 7.x:

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sPortable assists you with running Skype™ in a portable way without needing to install it in Windows. Make free audio and video calls as well as instant message with other users. Calling landline and mobile phones and sending SMS messages is available with a subscription.

Learn more about Skype™

App Notes

Not Digitally Signed - This particular release is not digitally signed due to a logistical issue that will be solved in a few days. It is still the official, clean release and the SHA256 can serve as confirmation of the downloaded file.


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Download Details

Skype is a trade mark of Skype and is not affiliated, sponsored, authorised or otherwise associated by/with the Skype group of companies.