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Anyone else having this problem? -- Songbird

Submitted by SpyMaster356 on February 23, 2011 - 11:13am

I just got the new songbird update, but now songbird doesn't work at all. It gets to songbird's splash screen (not the one with portable apps and songbird on it) and then it loads for a little bit... and then ejects the drive! Anyone else having this problem? Tried multiple times,

[Moved from General Discussion to Other Apps Support - mod Chris]

Chrome stalls when run in Win7

Submitted by l-g on February 22, 2011 - 8:01am

I run portable apps from a network share. When logged in on an XP machine Chrome works fine (except that I can't install extensions automatically - I have to download them, unpack them and then manually install them) but when I use the exact same installation on a Win7 machine Chrome launches, and then nothing. It opens the tabs from the previous session, the loading indicator is spinning but nothing is loaded. I can't even open the "about-pages" such as the bookmark manager, list of installed extensions (none ATM) or history.


Submitted by jeb5000 on February 19, 2011 - 10:48am

Whenever I use Chrome always start with the same three web sites. Want to auto start these three. Found some code in the forums that was reported to do that but all I get is a window for the first site with no address bar or tabs. The other two sites do not open. "GoogleChromePortable.exe --app=" is what I tried.

Wrote a bat file referencing GoogleChromePortable.exe and it works the way I want it to.
"GoogleChromePortable.exe" "" "" ""

[Closed] Google Chrome 9.0.597.98 - update extensions does not work

ghostintheruins's picture
Submitted by ghostintheruins on February 17, 2011 - 12:09am


Could some one please confirm this: with the new Chrome it seems that I can't update the installed extensions. The update now button doesn't do anything.

I didn't try more extension: I use Adblock and the only way to use the latest version was to uninstall it and install the latest but that means I have to re-make all the settings and custom filters.

I do not remember having this issue with v 8.


Opera - keeps reverting to 'First Run' every few days

Submitted by etyrnal on February 16, 2011 - 2:02pm


this is making me nuts. i have installed Opera Portable in My Documents/apps

every few days when i launch the Opera (11 at this point, but it used to do this w/ 10 too), Opera opens as though it's never been set up before. It puts me in the 'first run' page. the only way i have discovered to get around this is to delete the whole opera folder, and install a fresh copy... which also only lasts a few days!

i'm about to walk away from my favorite browser, because it's been doing this to me for MONTHS.

Skype doesn't save any settings

Submitted by alucard2100 on February 15, 2011 - 4:11pm

Hi. I was using Skype Portable for about a year without any problems. But yesterday, suddenly, when I launched it, it showed me default blank welcome screen, like when you start it for the first time ever. Login drop-down list was empty as well and "Sign me in when Skype starts" check box is empty and greyed-out! So I can't check it. When I'm entering my login and password it logs in without problems, but doesn't saves any settings or history or whatever.
