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Google Chrome Portable Error

Submitted by illuminati on January 31, 2011 - 2:49am

Hello guys,

i have Google Chrome Portable (GoogleChromePortable_8.0.552.224) and i use it for helping a friend to get more hits on browser-game to get better ranked.
i have made a programm, which starts chrome portable and close it after about 10 seconds, then it comes a reconnect by my and then it starts with chrome portable and so on. this process takes 30 minutes and it makes about 150 to 160 hits, so chrome portable is getting started and closed für so many times.

But now the problem, sometimes there comes an error:

Songbird File Watch

Submitted by jozuman on January 29, 2011 - 4:32pm

I was wondering if there was a way to make it so that Songbird watches and updates the music from a folder on my flash drive where the program is installed. The reason I can't just put (for example) F:\Music is because I know my flashdrive drive letter will change depending on what computer I put it on. Is there any way that I can make it so the file it looks in is like Home:\Music or something like that in order for it to quickly find the correct music files no matter what computer I put it on?

Google Chrome Portable - How to launch a local file as homepage?

Submitted by manuel1982 on January 28, 2011 - 10:17am

I'm trying to setup a CD with Google Chrome Portable (using the stable).
Google Chrome should startup with an HTML file that is located on the disk.

I tried to do this via

but this didn't work.

Does anybody know how to achieve this?

Thanks in advance!


When will Warzone 2100 Portable be updated?

Submitted by sw-techie on January 26, 2011 - 7:01pm

The latest version (v2.3.7) of Warzone 2100 has been released but the portable version is still at v2.3.5. When will the portable version be updated to the latest version?

Who is responsible for updating the portable version of an application? Can anyone help with updating portable apps or can it only be done by assigned individuals or teams?

I'd be interested in getting involved in some way, but I can't commit a lot of time to helping out. However, I willing to offer a little help wherever I can.

newest daily downloads

Submitted by 123griffin88spot on January 26, 2011 - 3:18pm

To John :

I found that I could dowload both apps from squaresource @ 2.48 p.m. Actually, I am not new to portable apps, having download them since August 2010. My whole program is either open source or all of portable apps software. Have a good day.

BonkEnc : no amr Format

Submitted by BMMH on January 23, 2011 - 2:00pm


nice Programm, but no *.amr Format, which is on most handys.

Perheps you can include it?

If so (add *.amr , i will donate again.

I have donate a little amount (5 Dollar) a few minutes ago (Support BonkEnc directly Button) with my jb-hb Mailadres.


