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ConvertAll Portable - doesn't remember more than 8 recent units - here is fix

Submitted by lee321987 on March 20, 2011 - 10:40am

I'm using ConvertAll Portable (CAP) v0.5.0b, and it doesn't remember more than 8 "Recent Unit" entries.

Here's how I fixed it:

Open this file in a text editor (don't use Windows Notepad, because this file uses UNIX line endings -- Notepad++ works fine):

Find the section with the all the "recent units". It will look like this:

RecentUnit1 Fahrenheit
RecentUnit2 Celsius
RecentUnit3 watt
RecentUnit4 amp * volt
RecentUnit5 mm
RecentUnit6 mil
RecentUnit7 feet

AkelPad Portable Plugins

Submitted by VIC-20 on March 16, 2011 - 5:56pm

I am trying to enable the Background SpellCheck plugin for AkelPad Portable v4.5.6, but after checking this option, exiting the program and then restarting, I'm given a "SpellCheck: error, Aspell core not found" message.

Is there something blatantly obvious I'm overlooking here?

I'm running XP Home SP3.


VirtualDub Codecs?

Submitted by getco on March 15, 2011 - 1:07pm


Just wanted to ask how exactly the plugin codecs work? Just run the launcher, and set it to VDub's folder?

That's what I did, and I can see some codecs inside ...VirtualDubPortable\App\VirtualDub\plugins\ - but whatever video format I tried loading into VDub it says "missing codecs".

For AVI it's says:

"Couldn't locate decompressor for format 'XVID' (unknown). VirtualDub requires a Video for Windows (VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. DirectShow codecs, such as those used by Windows Media Player, are not suitable."

qBittorrent Portable's search - requires Python?

Submitted by ulflier on March 15, 2011 - 10:09am

Doing a search in qBittorrent Portable -- does not work for me.

On qBittorrent Portable's 'Search tab', the "All categories" drop down contains no other selections.

Searching for an old 1932 movie, I enter:
So Big
into the search field, then press Search button. The result is the following error message:

"Missing Python Interpreter
Python 2.x is required to use the search engine but does not seem to be installed.
Do you want to install it now? Yes or No."
