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Applications does not start from a mapped drive

Submitted by marchert on December 30, 2010 - 3:32am


some applications will not start but quit with an error message, like “this application cannot start from an UNC path…”. This happens for all applications which have a directory “Launcher” under “App\AppInfo” and I try to start from a mapped share. Here some of them which do not start:

- Audaciy
- Foxit Reader
- Gnu Cash (does not shows an error message, but will not start)
- Irfan View
- Sweet Home 3D

Many other works fine, so I would be glad if this can be fixed (I guess with a newer installer version).

TypeFaster 0.4.2 portable layouts

Submitted by internet.customer on December 28, 2010 - 10:40pm

I downloaded and installed TypeFaster 0.4.2 portable yesterday. I've used the non-portable version before.

I am trying to learn the Dvorak layout. But the only two layouts in the Layout drop-down list are US-English and Numeric-Keypad. I've checked, and all of the keyboard layouts appear to be in the distribution.

Am I doing something wrong?


Opera portable some problem

Submitted by jackangel76648 on December 27, 2010 - 4:43am

I am having a problem with opera's extension. So i use these extensions i downloaded i used it for while after i safely remove it from my pc then put it back to my other laptop, extensions are lost!!!! So afterwards i come to know that the extensions get downloaded to the C drive. Now that is what i don't want, i want it to be there inside my pen drive not outside.

Anyway to make Opera truly portable (and safe)?

Submitted by HA Nut on December 26, 2010 - 7:48am

Because of the (IMO) idiotic Opera Unite component, running Opera (portable or regular) the first time adds Windows Firewall exceptions. Is there any way to avoid this fundamental and utterly unsafe computer change? I would like to have another browser option beyond FF and IE but unless there is a way to stop the Unite PC corruption, Opera cannot be that option.

Thanks for any help anyone can give!!

Migrate Skype user data to Skype Portable

Submitted by jpcl on December 25, 2010 - 7:21pm

just to let you know one finding, in case you're wondering like I was:

I was trying to move my Skype account ( user data like chat history ) to SkypePortable and I am missing a small detail:

I moved my skype userdata folder
%userprofile%\Application Data\Skype\ to %PortableApps%\SkypePortable\Data\settings\

It worked out almost 100% ( my chat history is moved ) but there are some things like the personalized sounds or images that are not moved along.

Google Chrome Portable BUG found (and how to avoid it until it's fixed)

Submitted by Mits on December 25, 2010 - 4:22am

Description: Google Chrome Portable does not work when installed in paths containing space(s), e.g. C:\Program Files\

In addition to the x64 platform testing reported in my previous post, I did some more testing in two (2) independent plain XP SP3 32-bit VMs, and Chrome did not work there either.

Then I started trying older 8.0x versions with the same results, both in x64 and in x32. During these tests, I installed Chrome in either C:\Program Files (x86)\ for x64 or in C:\Program Files\ for x32.

[Fixed] IrfanView Portable hijacks File Associations

Submitted by depp.jones on December 22, 2010 - 6:18am

I ecountered the same problem I always had with IrfanView used portable before it came out in PAc-format. I just didn't remember the issue before.
When switching through options to change to preferred settings, irfanview portable hijacks file associations for images if I don't remeber to uncheck that. I was confused when all my settings from my local installation were gone, but then realized that Irfanview was started from my still connected USB-drive (bypassing its launcher as well Wink ).

SkyePortable Ini File

Submitted by moc02 on December 20, 2010 - 7:26am


I make use of the config option using ini files to change the executable name in alot of the portable apps. Is this possible with portable skype?

I have the following option file (which seems to be the correct format when compared to other ini files i used for gvim and firefox portable) saved as SkypePortable.ini:


Anyone know if I can do this or if I have done something wrong above?


