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.ini Files and Directories

Submitted by Mutetwo on September 10, 2013 - 7:06pm

I've been going crazy trying to make my python 3.3 portable but I just get in the .ini files in.

Can somebody give me a straight forward example? I don't need five paragraphs explaining it, I just need a basic and legitimate example that works. And MAYBE a brief explanation.

All I need is an example of what is required of me to use the Launcher. Is that too much to ask for?

PicPick_easiest way to add caption

Submitted by christina_a on September 7, 2013 - 12:39pm

AFAIK, PicPick doesn't have a specific "Add a Caption" to image feature (DON'T mean a text box on top of image).
Surprising, given how advanced it is.

Only fairly clumsy way I found to add caption is
- take screen shot
- resize canvas - seems to only add space at bottom - no option to change that.
- if want caption on top of image, drag image down into newly resized canvas.
- draw text box in blank area of canvas space (at top) to create a pseudo caption.
- enter / edit text.

Is there an easier, faster way to add captions in PicPick?

Running chrome portable along side existing chrome install

Submitted by DoubleMintBen on September 5, 2013 - 1:31pm

The place I work has had firefox installed for the longest time, and I've always preferred chrome to firefox. I downloaded chrome portable and started using that, got it connected to my profile, all my bookmarks synced, got bookmarks I use frequently for work on the toolbar going and now my place of work had decided to install chrome on the computers. Not only install chrome but a highly locked-down user version of chrome. I cannot get my chrome portable to load its own profile, it loads up the same chrome as I get when I click on the shortcuts in the start menu.

GVim Portable single instance only

Submitted by lordmax on September 4, 2013 - 8:26am

Hi to all

I'm on windows7 pro system.
I use gvim for almost all my editing needs and it works really well.

The strange thing is that only one instance can work at the same time.
For simplicity I will need 2 or 3 instance at the same time and I can't figure how.
At the moment I'm using the portable version and one from the cygwin terminal but's not so easy to handle

Can someone help me?

Updating Apps

Submitted by Fordis on September 1, 2013 - 12:28pm

Hi there,

I'm already using some portable apps way back few months ago, but without using the platform.

So now, may I ask how can I update my apps in a way that all my data will remain intact?

For example: RedNotebook

I have lots of diaries and notes already there.

