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uTorrent Portable will not install

Submitted by k29 on October 10, 2013 - 7:47am

On Windows 7 Home Basic x64
Downloaded uTorrentPortable_3.3.2.30180_online.paf
Upon trying to install it attempts to download twice before giving an error message. Here is the log:

Output folder: C:\Users\Matthew\Downloads\uTorrentPortable
Preparing to upgrade uTorrent Portable...
Create folder: C:\Users\Matthew\AppData\Local\Temp\nsoF568.tmp\Downloaded
Downloading uTorrent...
Installing uTorrent Portable...
Rename: C:\Users\Matthew\AppData\Local\Temp\nsoF568.tmp\Downloaded\uTorrent->C:\Users\Matthew\AppData\Local\Temp\nsoF568.tmp\Downloaded\uTorrent_Downloaded.exe

Notepad++ upload plugin needs admin rights

Submitted by farat_as on October 7, 2013 - 4:59am


Today Notepad++ shows me that there is a two updates (i dont remember which plugin was). I clik ok. It installed the updates. After that it shows me that it needs restart. I clik ok. But it ask me for admin rights. I did not give it. I close and re-open notepadd++. It shows me that plugins are installed but it still need restart to finish the installation. When I click yes It asked me again for admin rights. That is happening again and again.

At the end I give the admin right now everything works fine.

Why it needs admin rights? That is normal?

Thank you

Opera Portable puts a blue Downloads folder in my User's Favorites folder when the browser starts up

Submitted by k_drive on October 3, 2013 - 1:17pm

I just installed Opera Portable 12.16 on my flash drive from

When I start it up, a blue Downloads folder is created in my User's Favorites folder.

I have set up the Downloads path in Opera's Preferences for my User's Downloads folder as follows:


Does anyone know what is going on here?
I am about ready to delete this portable browser.

- - - - - - - -

Notepad 2 Portable crashes at sudden system restart

Submitted by trust on October 2, 2013 - 11:12am

The only thing that helps when I delete the Data directory and recreate my settings. Annoying, but just a little. Is there a cure for that?

Also, sometimes I want to run two notepad files (now from one install, not two - and it says one instance is already running, I can't run another. But I have found no consistency when I can run two instances and when I cannot.

Can't run two installs of Iron Portable simultaneously

Submitted by trust on October 2, 2013 - 11:08am

It says: "Whoa! Iron has crashed. Relaunch now?" But it does not help.

What do I mean by running two installs?

I installed "Iron Portable 1" and "Iron Portable 2" in two separate directories (with their respective settings). All I want to do is run them simultaneously.

I can run Chrome Portables and non-portable SRWare Irons simultaneoulsy, the problem is just with Iron Portable.

Thank you.

JPortable Bug when querying

Submitted by Mexxxi on October 1, 2013 - 7:05am

I tried to use JPortable 7 u40 with JPC-rr, a DOS-emulator ( Part of it starts, but it errors out before being fully loaded with the following message:

Attempted to access null pointer

call of$7
call of$7
invoke of$ComInvoker
invoke of
invoke of

Wise Program Uninstaller license question

Submitted by Drakkim on September 29, 2013 - 11:50pm

I have a question about the license for Wise Program Uninstaller Portable. On the update pages here, I see "Wise Program Uninstaller is freeware for personal and educational use." But, on their own site ( I see "Wise Uninstaller is another freeware from All users are free to use it, update it and get the basic technical support on it."

Is the portable apps version more restrictive than the installed version, or might this happen to be a mistake...?

uTorrent - after update , it lost all torrents

Submitted by lady_morana on September 29, 2013 - 9:13pm

It continued to try and update. It would practically FORCE me to update. So I did. Then there were no torrents visible. I checked to make sure the folders were all in the same location and ALL the information was there.

So I moved the torrent folder and the downloaded date and reinstalled uTorrent. Moved everything back and when it opened again, it worked.

It lasted about 2 weeks. Then it came up one day after my laptop was unplugged accidentally and no torrents again! I deleted the uTorrent again - keeping the torrents themselves and the downloaded data.
