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[Fixed] new version of skype skype doesn't show in updater

Submitted by dasaev on May 10, 2016 - 8:59am

I have skype version . When i check for updates via Portable Apps platform it doesn't show updates for skype. This happens on both PC's i use for home and work.

When i start skype it prompts for update, but i always wait for the update via platform (btw if i don't wait for platform upadte and i allow update from skype will it instal portable ?) .


Submitted by Plavozont on May 4, 2016 - 4:57am

When I launch XnView for the first time it is in English. I go to Tools->Options->Interface->Change language into Russian, it says you must restart XnView, but the language is changed immediately, without restart. However after restart it changes back to English. I've found that if I launch XnViewPortable.exe, change language and then restart - language stays in Russian(same thing when it starts after double click on some image). But when I launch it through platform it switches back to English. Please check this out.

Opera: different app id possible?

Submitted by juanriccio on May 2, 2016 - 11:33am

I use both Opera portable and Opera installed (the classic, non-Chromium version). Both appear in the task manager with process name "opera", so it is difficult for me to figure out which is which when I need to kill processes etc.
Is there any way I could change Opera Portable's id to something else, like "opera-portable"?
Thanks for any help

Chrome portable on XP. just won't load anymore.....

Submitted by zarraza on April 27, 2016 - 12:59pm

Is it me?

I kept reading in the info bar that Chrome was going to stop working for XP but thought that was only for the INSTALLED version, not the portable.

Funny, I used to be able to run it from a network drive, but now I can't even do that.

I have deleted the GoogleChromePortable folder multiple times, and "installed" fresh
I've tried launching it from the menu, and directly at the EXE in the folder

but it still won't work.
