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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Eclipse portable Can not write

Submitted by Ericode on October 21, 2013 - 12:07pm

I am not able to install eclipse 4.2. The error is

Output folder: H:\Program Files\Portable Apps\PortableApps\EclipsePortable\App\Eclipse\features\org.eclipse.recommenders.feature.3rd.rcp.nonorbit_1.0.0.v20120612-2305-b156\META-INF\maven
Output folder: H:\Program Files\Portable Apps\PortableApps\EclipsePortable\App\Eclipse\features\org.eclipse.recommenders.feature.3rd.rcp.nonorbit_1.0.0.v20120612-2305-b156\META-INF\maven\org.eclipse.recommenders.feature

information for new apps releases

Submitted by peter0conor on October 19, 2013 - 7:16pm


I use a lot several of the portableapps programs. Once in a while, I like to go to the portableapps to check if there are any new interesting applications. Therefore, I was wondering if there is a list to subscribe for receiving an email any time there is a release of a new application (I am not talking about new updates for existing programs) with information about what the application does. It may already exist something like this, if so, please let me know. Otherwise, it would be interesting to have it in the near future.

Foxit Reader Portable (v6.0.6)?

Submitted by Nozokyo on October 13, 2013 - 11:17pm

Greetings from a new PortableApps member.

After I installed this app by executing the paf.exe, then running 'FoxitReaderPortable.exe', my firewall (Comodo) reports it as trying to modify registry keys in HKLM... !
The same for when exiting the app!

I thought PortableApps were supposed to run as 'standalone' and not make any file changes outside the directory they're installed in.

As I'm new to this scene, can anyone please advise?


aduacity wont start up after splash screen

Submitted by ZeroX4 on October 13, 2013 - 5:58am

well so in short of it

before i reinstalled windows and download update via PAP of Audacity (few months ago) audacity was working just fine

today i launch it and nothing happen after splash screen appear
i always install same programs and stuff on new windows (xp pro 32 by the way)

so there is no way it could be something im missing or installed wrong version i have same visuall c++ same netframework same service pack

i used uncle google and i found other guy who had same problem but well did not find solution

PA & Dropbox - update.ini conflict

Submitted by quickfold on October 12, 2013 - 3:20pm

I have PA installed in my Dropbox folder, and it's working fine for most purposes. The problem is that when PA updates applications on one computer, if I have left it running on another computer, I get a file version conflict in the 'update.ini' file, and PA then updates the same programs on each computer rather than realizing that the program is already updated.

Is there any way to avoid this? (other than remembering to close PA every time I leave one of my computers, obviously)


Win HTTrack and FileZilla Backup

Submitted by veritas3000 on October 12, 2013 - 2:23pm

Newbie here,

I use Win HTTrack and FileZilla on my local drives and I'm considering the PortableApps approach so I can work from any device with one good up to date backup instead of a bunch of different versions.

Can someone prep me on how the PA versions of HTTrack and/or FileZilla handle backup. Should I assume it treats the PA site as a cloud.

Also, should I assume this is true for many/most/all Portable Apps.

Thanks for any help

Using "Magic Pink" in Personal Picture creates a hole

Submitted by starrysky on October 11, 2013 - 2:17am

I suppose that generally speaking, bitmaps (.bmp files) do not normally support transparancy. Programs can be coded with magic pink support to render the ff00ff color as transparent in a bitmap. I used GIMP to create an 48x48 bitmap image to use as my personal picture on the Portable Apps platform thinking that the "transparent" (pink) areas on the image would allow the chosen platform theme color to render through the image. Oddly enough, what it actually did was create a hole or window straight through the areas that had the pink.

Various suggestion to the site, platform

Submitted by trust on October 8, 2013 - 11:53am


1. A dedicated RSS Feed for new app releases only. The apps get updated via the platform, I would not subscribe to a feed telling me about updates, too much noise, but for a feed only telling me about new apps I would subscribe.

I almost missed QuiteRSS in the listing as in its description the word 'feed' was not present. I only found the other two with 'feed' in the descriptions at first. RSS and ATOM are also feeds.


Broken screen-shots

Submitted by Wernight on October 8, 2013 - 11:51am

Below is a list of applications ID which have a missing/broken screenshot on their page:


Also some issues in update.ini

ClickyGonePortable's URL should be =
LibreCADPortable's URL should be =
xpyPortable's URL should be =
