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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Change the name or location of a portable apps data folders

Link48010's picture
Submitted by Link48010 on July 23, 2010 - 3:09pm

So, using an application from IObit called IObit Toolbox, you can add programs to the toolbox by simple pulling the .exe into the "tools" directory of the toolbox app which is portable by the way, good stuff. By following a simple naming scheme, like dragging sysinternals page defrag and renaming it Suo14_PageDefrag.exe (Suo14=System Utility-Optimization 14 where as Sur would stand for System Utility-Repair).

Chrome Portable History

Submitted by MFLesses on July 20, 2010 - 3:29pm

Websites opened in Chrome from desktop icons in Windows 7 do not show up in history when a website is opened in Chrome Portable, and websites opened in Chrome Portable do not show in history when a website is opened in Chrome. Is this supposed to happen? Is this also the case with Windows XP?

Apparently, the desktop icons speak with non-portable Chrome only. Is there a way to change this?

recovering a fraudulantly formatted SD card

Submitted by pmlabrier on July 20, 2010 - 1:04pm

Ok, so a while back I purchased what was advertised as a 32 gig SD on Ebay. It turned out NOT to be 32gig even though it appeared to be. It had been formatted in a way that made it appear to be 32 gig but would corrupt the data. Thanks to paypal's buyer protection I got my money back.

Is there any way to find out what the card was originally made to be and properly format it?

Even if it is really a lot smaller I can put it to use. Or should I just pitch it?


Updater-Only Release Announcements, Google Chrome Dev 6.0.466.0

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on July 16, 2010 - 3:11pm

I've pushed an update to Chrome Dev and posted it to the Chrome Portable homepage. As this isn't a supported release really (it's dev branch so basically pre-alpha level software), it doesn't warrant a homepage announcement. However, I have it in the updater so anyone running Chrome Dev and the latest Platform beta will see the update and have it installed.

I was wondering if anyone had thoughts on any other ways to approach this. Of course, Chrome Dev is a special outlier case, so it doesn't really apply to much else.
