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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

need help with the launcher

Submitted by berrios27 on May 1, 2009 - 12:18am

i got my launcher to work but i dont kno how to make it work with the reg key i have
is their a code or is their something i can add from an existing app.nsi to make it work cuz i took one from amsn one and mod it to launch my poweriso but i want to know how to Incorporate the reg key for it to work any help would me greatful

Command line arguments for launcher?

Submitted by Bliepo on April 30, 2009 - 4:47pm

I would like to know if it is possible to use command line arguments for the launcher (for example FirefoxPortable.exe) of my portable apps. I would like to know this, because I want it the .ini file (for example FirefoxPortable.ini).

I know I could achieve this by just deleting the file. However, I sometimes do need the file, so I was thinking of creating two shortcuts. One that launches the launcher without command line arguments, and one that launches the launcher with command line arguments.

If anyone needs more information to help me, feel free to ask.

Please help me make PowerIso portable

Submitted by berrios27 on April 30, 2009 - 4:44pm

MakeNSIS v2.44 - Copyright 1995-2009 Contributors
See the file COPYING for license details.
Credits can be found in the Users Manual.

Processing config:
Processing plugin dlls: "C:\Program Files\NSIS\Plugins\*.dll"
- AdvSplash::show
- Banner::destroy
- Banner::getWindow
- Banner::show
- BgImage::AddImage
- BgImage::AddText
- BgImage::Clear
- BgImage::Destroy
- BgImage::Redraw
- BgImage::SetBg
- BgImage::SetReturn
- BgImage::Sound
- Dialer::AttemptConnect
- Dialer::AutodialHangup
- Dialer::AutodialOnline
- Dialer::AutodialUnattended

Sourceforge download links: indirect on purpose?

Chris Morgan's picture
Submitted by Chris Morgan on April 30, 2009 - 7:24am

This question is mainly towards John.

Is there a reason that all the links here go to the indirect download and mirror selection page,*.paf.exe?download, rather than to the direct redirection to the download (i.e. proper download)*.paf.exe?

As I see it, the only advantage to the indirect one is that you get to select a mirror, whereas downloads are a lot easier to start and use with the direct technique (and then you can use the Save as... context menu item).

[illegal url removed]

Submitted by wwjoshdew on April 29, 2009 - 12:55pm

They have newer stuff than on here. They update VLC, Notepad++, and so many other things way before does. And they have a lot of stuff this site doesn't. Like ConvertXtoDVD, PhotoShop Portable, Dreamweaver Portable, and so many more. Check it out!

[This user has been temporarily banned for posting illegal software. The ban will expire one week from today. After that, another similar post will result in a permanent ban. - Mod JTH]

Portable Apps on Home Computer - Stupid or Smart?

Submitted by successwriter on April 29, 2009 - 8:53am

Hi all,

Let me start out by saying how much I love portable apps and the freedom it gives me to work mobile. I've been toying with the idea of using portable apps on my computer (Vista) instead of the larger downloads of OO, Firefox and other software I can easily run through PA. The idea is to have a hard drive that is light because of PA and therefore performs much faster, plus I would end up with less digital clutter.

I like your input on this please?

Is my thinking on the right track or not?


TaffinFoxcroft's picture
Submitted by TaffinFoxcroft on April 29, 2009 - 4:14am

Recently on IRC some people have been asking some questions that have been mentioned in the forums (but more of in random replies than anything else). Perhaps a FAQ should be written that covers areas like upgrading, installing and advanced options. Is anyone up to the challenge, to write such a thing?
