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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

KingMax SuperStick 8GB incredibly slow!

Submitted by blis102 on August 12, 2008 - 3:48pm

Hey all,

Just got a Kingmax Superstick 8gb ( yesterday and install portable apps plus FF3, OpenOffice, Putty, 7zip, Gimp, FileZilla, KeePass, VLC, Task Coach and GNUCash on the drive and when running FF3 I am getting realllllly slow speeds (2x-3x slower than native firefox), so I have a few questions:

1) Does having more apps slow down PA even if Im just using one app at a time?

portable player for swf

Submitted by SwampCat on August 12, 2008 - 11:14am

Hi Guys,

I have tons of swf files. I know how to play them and/or convert them
I have all needed to play them on XP and all. That is not a problem...
... but I have to give those written to MP3-palyer or USB Stick
The "destination computer" have nothing and people there don't understand a thing about PC.
I explained to them how to use portable VLC and/or Mplayer
Problem is that VLC don't play swf and Mplayer plays them in "fastest motion possible" Smile

Best Filesystem/Allocation unit size to use?

Submitted by Kane3162 on August 12, 2008 - 2:22am

I know many people would say defaults but as a gamer/tech I have come to realize... defaults suck...

Before (like when XP first came out...) I just let it format with defaults... since then however I have come to customize everything... even now I notice a performance gain from my WD Raptor's when I use 64k unit allocation for OS Drive/Game Drive/Storage drive...

So i guess my reason for this post... Whats the best FileSystem/Allocation Unit size?

I have the following as options...
FAT32 - 512b/1024b/2048b/4096b/8192b/16384b/32768b/65536b

Creating a Splash Screen?

Submitted by GS_Online on August 11, 2008 - 8:57am

hello to everyone, because I am a newcomer in the area of portable and is a time that decided to create my portable, but what I still do not know, and wanted a help of you.

I wanted to know how to put such a picture of my name at the time that the laptop is open as is appearing in the portable here, now I am grateful for the help.

even more!

[Topic clarified ?? by mod Tim]
Putting an image of openness in portable software?

Hiding the evidence: ClamWin's origins

Submitted by bobjohnson on August 10, 2008 - 1:38pm

I am unsure exactly where this should be posted as there is no direct e-mail or forum section for the discussion of time travel, but as a side note to whoever has the ability to update the website the page for ClamWin Portable ( states it was stolen from the year 20,008. I assume flux capacitors were involved.
