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General discussions of portable apps and news.

.BAT File vs Changing drive letters

Submitted by IvanEBC on August 5, 2008 - 12:28am

This was origianlly posted elsewhere but after someone pointed me here .... i decided to try here .. and oh boy .. what a great app this is and i'm going to use it to make my little program run in a "cooler" way hehehe
I don't need my USB stick for firefox and all the other great options although i will investigate that further ... instead .. i want to run a small .bat script that does a few automated tasks for me ... cleans a folder on the USB stick, then copies files to the stick automatically.


Bobert's picture
Submitted by Bobert on August 4, 2008 - 5:42pm

I don't know if anybody noticed sourceforge's new home and download page. It looks like this:

I saw it before, but it was only on their site for like half an hour, so I couldn't get a screenshot of it. The huge orange background image loads slow on my comp. Other than that, I think it looks nice, a lot less cluttered. Did any one else notice it?

I'm Finally Fully Back (August 4, 2008)

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on August 4, 2008 - 5:10pm

As many of you know, I've been "under the weather" for a while. I had said I was back a couple weeks ago, but it turns out that I wasn't quite fully back. Since this has impacted some of our progress since it began, I thought I'd let folks know what was up.

I've been sick for the past couple months, essentially. It was mainly some dizziness, some fogginess and some tiredness. It was impacting my ability to work but not consistently. And as the symptoms can be related to stress and sleep issues, I was trying to adjust things to solve them. Portable 2.4.0 PL

Submitted by M_T on August 4, 2008 - 4:38pm

I am using a polish OpenOffice on my usb-stick for some time now.
I downloaded the english Portable version 2.4.0 and manually switch it to polish.
Last time I found on the official Homepage a polish Portable-Installer-EXE !
I didn't know that a official Installer file exist because this page don't offer it!
And i think many users don't know this version! Please add this to the side:

just put the official link to the polish OpenOffice Portable 2.4.0 PL :

Nonoh Portable

Submitted by mabm on August 3, 2008 - 8:51am

Nonoh is a voip software that has a service like Jajah. It´s cheaper than Jajah and Skype. Very good quality of calls, as good as Skype and Jajah.

For brazilian like me, its the one that I know that has free calls to brazil.

To use Nonoh Portable, download and install Nonoh. You can copy the files located in C:\Program Files\ to your portable device (i.e. pendrive).


password-protect flash drive (cross-platform)

Submitted by dchadwick on August 2, 2008 - 2:10pm

I use OS X at home, and a locked-down Windows XP machine at work. I carry a batch of text and Celtx files between the two places on a flash drive, and I'm looking for a way to keep the contents of that drive encrypted, or at least password-protected on some level that's readable by both the PC and the Mac.

How do i remove my u3 from my thumb drive and how do i restore it back?

Submitted by IIwAnDII on August 2, 2008 - 4:13am

man u3 "religion" sucks...i need buy the wonder portableapps "religion" is ..i've decided to install portableapps in my sandisk 8gb...but i want to restore u3 back ...just for safe keeping...

how do i restore it , what do i use to restore it , can it be restored , how do i remove u3 from my pen drive...

Hello Folks New to PA - Like the look of what i read & tying to get some more information.

Submitted by Selwyn on August 1, 2008 - 6:07pm

I am a complete novice newbie here so please bear with me.
Does Pa work like a portable hard drive with all your info on the flash drive.
What is the difference between a portable version of an application & the normal version , is it just a slimed down version of the full program so it takes up less space.
I noticed that a lot of the applications that are in the program are linux based , i have been forever trying to get to grips with linux but the sudo jobbie is a bit to dos like for me.
